Gay Marriage Should Be Legalized in Hawaii

Brian Schatz
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Brian Schatz

By U.S. Senator Brian Schatz – The time has come to make marriage equality a reality for Americans around the country, so that all people can exercise that right in freedom and without restriction.

I am pleased that President Obama supports marriage equality, and that the State of Hawai’i has a proud history of leadership in civil rights.

I encourage State lawmakers to pass legislation that will ensure equal rights for all Hawai’i residents.




  1. About time – as for the people who only want to allow CUs which are in place, if they wont allow gays to "marry" under civil law lets change all state law references to CUs.

    Then let the scraming begin because the right wingers will discover that they cant have any federal benefits etc.= Religou smarriages dont count under ciivl law.

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