Give It The Gas | Should She Stay Or Go? | Abercrombie Graded “F” | Kia’aina Appointed

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Give It The Gas. Who would have thought upstart California would out gas Hawaii with a current average of $4.67 per gallon of gas and highs over $6.25? Lucky you live Hawaii at “only” $4.33 per gallon (with $5+ Neighbor Island gas).


Chicken Skin Week in Hawaii. Last week’s Medal of Honor convention and celebration in Hawaii made Honolulu proud. Of the 85 living Medal winners-our Nation’s top honor- 54 were here last week. There were so many good public events including actor Gary Sinese’s “Lt. Dan Band” and the SBH essay contest winners at the Pacific Aviation Museum last Thursday night.


Unemployment Rates Down. The national unemployment rate fell by a suspect 0.03 to 7.8% while Hawaii is sitting at 6.1%. Many, many people have stopped looking for work; others are part-timers or otherwise underemployed. We have not turned the economic corner.


HEMIC Dividend. The Hawaii Employers Mutual Insurance Company, HEMIC, declared another dividend to its workers’ compensation premium holder-owners in the amount of $1.5 million yesterday.


Should She Stay Or Go? The UH Board of Regents meets in secret (again) Friday to review UH President MRC Greenwood’s status. Many in the community want Greenwood to go; the Regents aren’t likely to recommend that. The UH investigation initiated by the Senate is not pau yet.


UH Tech Forum. Think Tech and the Venture Capital Association is presenting a panel, “Is UH Meeting Its Tech Research Goals,” on Thursday, October 25, at the Plaza Club, headed by UH Manoa Chancellor Tom Apple and UH Deans.Register at or call 382-4638. Notice the new pricing policy:  Members, affiliates (including faculty and government) attend at the member rate of $29 with pre-registration, $35 at the door.  Students are $20, all others $39 with pre-registration, $45 at the door.  Space is limited, so sign up early.


Abercrombie Graded “F. Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombieearned a grade of “F” in a recent report by Cato Institute, “Fiscal Policy Report Card on America’s Governors.” Four Governors, led by Kansas Governor Sam Brownback, earned an “A.” Four other Governors also earned an “F.” Chris Edwards is the author of the Cato report. For the full


Chili & Rice. You still have 27 days to get your fill of usually free chili & rice at various candidate meetings. Last night, hundreds jammed Kalani High for a Ben Cayetano rally with chili and rice.


Tribute to Barbara. Tonight, at the Waialae Country Club, Rep.Barbara Marumoto will be honored starting at 5:30. Marumoto, who has served for 34 years, announced her retirement for next month, several months ago.


Lingle/Hirono Debate. Did you watch the first televised debate (KHON) between Congresswoman Mazie Hirono and former Governor Linda Lingle, Monday night? They are both vying for the US Senate seat vacated by Daniel Akaka. Holy Cow!Hirono is so unprepared but so highly favored as the choice ofDaniel Inouye. Where’s that “hope and change?”


Kia’aina Appointed. Lose a Primary, win an appointment-as long as you are a Hawaii Democrat. Governor Neil Abercrombie announced the appointment of Esther Puakela Kia’aina to the deputy director position of the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR). Ms. Kia’aina fills the vacancy left by Guy Kaulukukui who resigned in August. She begins on October 15.


Ms. Kia’aina has over 20 years of experience in developing and implementing policy on issues that concern the State of Hawai’i. She is the former chief advocate at the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and former land asset manager of The Kamehameha Schools’ Land Assets Division. Ms. Kia’aina has worked forU.S. Senator Daniel Akaka, Congressman Robert Underwood, and Congressman Ed Case.  She recently ran in a three-way Democrat Primary for Congress, 2nd District..


Hawaii #37. The Tax Foundation, Inc. released its 2013 State Business Tax Climate Index. Each year they produce the Indexto enable business leaders, government policymakers, and taxpayers to gauge how their states’ tax systems compare. While total taxes paid is a relevant measure, another is how the elements of a state tax system enhance or harm the competitiveness of a state’s business environment. TheIndex looks at over 100 variables in individual income tax, corporate income tax, sales tax, unemployment insurance tax, and property tax to reduce these many complex considerations to an easy-to-use ranking. Hawaii is ranked number 37 this year; a decline from 2012. Read the 56-page Index report by Scott Drenkard and Joseph Henchman and the results byclicking here>.


PayDay Lenders. Attorney General David Louie joined 40 other attorneys general to urge Congress to oppose a bill preempting states’ authority to crack down on predatory high cost, short-term lending practices.


In a joint letter, initiated by Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan and Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller, state officials warned House Speaker John Boehner, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell about the negative effects of the Consumer Credit Access, Innovation and Modernization Act or H.R. 6139.


Many states have established their own framework of regulations to protect consumers from the risks associated with non-bank credit service providers. However, this legislation would allow these providers – including payday lenders, installment lenders, car title lenders, prepaid card issuers and check cashers – the ability to obtain a federal charter and sidestep these more stringent state laws.


The bill would allow lenders to extend credit to consumers if there is a reasonable basis for believing the consumers can repay the loans, but without putting specific standards in place. The legislation also exempts loans with terms of one year or less from the disclosure requirements of the Truth in Lending Act and substitutes a cost metric. By preempting state laws, the proposed legislation would impede state efforts to immediately and directly protect consumers from harm.


PR Firm to Quit. A well known public relations firm,

Bright Light Marketing, will be shutting its doors in Bishop Square in mid-December after 21 years in business, according to its owner, Lynette Lo Tom.


Tom said she will be embarking on a new journey – taking a new path in her life. She’ll go from helping her clients look good to making food taste appealing. She is hoping to teach and take cooking classes and write a cook book. She may also explore pop up restaurants.


In an interview with Hawaii Reporter, Tom said she did not consider selling the firm. She is working to ensure support staff secure other jobs and that her staff who work in client services and want to open their own firms, can continue working with their existing clients.


Tom will also continue working with her clients, but will reduce the time she spends on public relations. “Who knows how many more adventures I may have in me?” Tom said.

The Honolulu Chapter of Sales & Marketing Executives

International presents Georgia Skinner of Hawaii’s Creative Industries Division (CID), in the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT), at a dinner on

Tuesday, October 16th in the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel. The event begins at 5:30p.m.
Hawaii’s film industry and creative sectors have expanded the state’s economy in both traditional and bold new directions.

For reservations and more information, by Friday, October 12th. Online

ticket prices start from $65 for SMEI members. Call (808) 942-7000 or e-mail with questions.


PBN Leaders. Pacific Business News will honor leaders in business and nonprofits at the 2012 Business Leadership Hawaii dinner & awards event on Thursday, November 1, at the Sheraton Waikiki.


35 finalists will be honored Allen Doane, retired Chairman and CEO of Alexander & Baldwin, will receive PBN’s Business Leadership Hawaii 2012 Lifetime Achievement Award for his accomplishments and contributions in business, nonprofit and community.

Nominees include:




Steven Ai, President & CEO, City Mill Company

Judy Bishop, Owner, President & CEO, Bishop & Company

John Dean, President & CEO, Central Pacific Bank

Mathew Delaney, President & CEO, The Hawaii Group

George Greene, President & CEO, Healthcare Association of Hawaii

Kenneth Zeri, President & Chief Professional Officer, Hospice Hawaii



(40 or more full-time employees)

Armstrong Builders

Lyon Associates

Martin & MacArthur


SSFM International




(fewer than 40 full-time employees)

Bishop & Company

FSC Architects

Hawaii Human Resources

Nashimoto & Associates

Soul de Cuba Cafe

Talk Story Bookstore




Blue Planet Foundation

Goodwill Industries of Hawaii

Hawaii Academy of Performing Arts

PBS of Hawaii

YMCA of Honolulu



American Savings Bank

BAE Systems

First Insurance Company of Hawaii

Oceanic Time Warner Cable


Talk Story Bookstore



Bump Networks

Four Seasons Resorts Lanai

Hawaii Pacific DEEG

Pacific Allied Products


Volta Industries


SBH can help you with YOUR business. Just starting a business?   Call me personally for help at 396-1724 or email: Smart Business Hawaii Means Business and we’re here to help you.




