Gore Backs Schatz in U.S. Senate Race

U.S. Senator Brian Schatz
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U.S. Senator Brian Schatz

Today, the Schatz for Hawaii campaign has announced that Vice President Al Gore has thrown his support behind Senator Schatz.

“Thanks to Brian’s visionary leadership, Hawaii implemented its own groundbreaking Clean Energy Initiative.  As a result, Hawaii has tripled its renewable energy production from 6% to 18%,” said Vice President Gore. “And we’re going to need Brian’s strong, outspoken leadership in Congress for many more years to get the job done.

“I am tremendously thankful for the support of Vice President Gore,” said Senator Brian Schatz. “He has long been a leader on creating a renewable energy economy. I look forward to working with him to expand our clean energy production, and bring good new jobs to Hawaii.”

Vice President Gore also noted Schatz’s continuing work in the Senate where he has partnered with Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, Rep. Henry Waxman, and Rep. Earl Blumenauer on legislation to encourage clean energy. 

To date, Senator Schatz has raised over $2 million for this cycle. He has also received 25 official endorsements. Endorsing organizations represent over 70,000 members in Hawaii, and include the Blue America PAC, Boilermakers Local 204, Council for a Livable World, Drywall, Tapers and Finishers Local 1944, Elevator Constructors Local 126, Glaziers Local 1889, Hawaii American Postal Workers Union, Hawaii Building & Construction Trades Council, Hawaii Fire Fighters Association, Hawaii Government Employees Association, Heat and Frost Insulators Local 132, IBEW Local 1186, IBEW Local 1260, Iron Workers Local 625, League of Conservation Voters, National Association of Letter Carriers, National Weather Service Employees Organization, Ocean Champions, Painters and Allied Trades Local 1791, Plumbers Local 675, Roofers Local 221, State of Hawaii Organization of Police Officers, Teamsters Local 996, United Food and Commercial Workers Union, and the University of Hawaii Professional Assembly. 




  1. if we can get government involvement out of renewable energy industry as well as the fossil fuel industry,eliminate all subsidies to renewable AND fossil fuel ,let the natural free market system take place.and allow these renewable companies in Hawaii to be competitive and hire workers competitively(no forced union labor).but most important we will not get economic growth and prosperity of renewable industries with politicians like Schatz in office representing Hawaii.and having the democrats in majority in state politics is a economic disaster.

  2. Did VP Gore know what B.S. said recently?
    "..Skeptics of man-made global warming need to be “ridiculed” said U.S. Sen. Brian Schatz, a Democrat from Hawaii who spoke at last week’s Netroots Nation gathering in San Jose, Calif. More at: https://www.hawaiireporter.com/no-more-tolerance-s

    Gore's supporting a instigator/wacko who needs braces to close the gap of his 2 front teeth like a pre-pubic teen.

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