Governor wants to expand the special session agenda to include more than gay marriage debate

Gov. Neil Abercrombie called lawmakers into special session October 28 to legalize gay marriage
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TIME TO VOTE: Gov. Neil Abercrombie, the Hawaii Democratic Party and numerous special interest groups want a special session to legalize gay marriage but the Honolulu GOP is opposed

REPORT FROM THE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR – Gov. Neil Abercrombie has asked the Hawaii State Legislature to expand the agenda for the upcoming special session to include measures relating to health services on Kauai and the funding of two recent collective bargaining agreements.

Along with a revised Marriage Equity Bill, the Governor today provided three additional measures addressing an emergency $2.5 million appropriation for Hawaii Health Systems Corporation services on Kauai and funding of collective bargaining agreements achieved with United Public Workers (UPW) Unit 10 and Hawaii Government Employees Association (HGEA) Unit 13.

“In addition to convening the Legislature in special session to primarily consider marriage equity in Hawaii, there are several other items that require legislative attention,” Gov. Abercrombie said. “These important matters include continuation of essential regional health care services on Kauai, as well as funding of two agreements reached in good faith with members of Units 10 and 13.

Nearly two months ago, the Governor’s Office shared an initial draft of a marriage equity bill with legislators, news media and the public – including posting it on the Governor’s website – to facilitate public input. The bill provided today to the Legislature includes several updates aimed at further balancing equal protection and religious freedom, based in part on input received from various stakeholders.

The bills are expected to be posted on the state Legislature website at:




  1. Could be we heard wrong on the initial "4-5 days." Could it possibly be forty-five (45) days?

    • Bet Brian Schatz (B.S.)& his brother, the DOE assistant superintendent, are planning a way to profit from selling LGBT books to the DOE already.
      And B.S. may also run for gov. in 2018 if he fails the con-gressman position.

    • I agree, however flamers/hatersof the LGBT movement deny the people's right knowing liberal courts are on thier side! See Ed Adams, agnostic blogger at;
      "….the important thing is that the usa is a secular republic. religion is optional. and our laws are not made on the basis of religion…as you have clearly demonstrated, and, has been demonstrated in court after court, the onlyobjections to same-sex marriage are basd in religion. that's why court after court is ruling that barring same sex couples from the institution of marriage is discriminatory and unconstitutional. the state has an interest in promoting the stability of same-sex couples and the children they are raising, just as it does for opposite-sex couples…

    • Just as the south in the USA voted for segregation after the civil war.

      Just as the USA – the most religious naiton in the western world was the second to last to end slavery, the only one to need a war to do so and then came segregation for another hundred years

      • Gee, so sarcastic about your "homeland" maybe you should leave.
        Go to the FIRST NATION in THE WESTERN WORLD to end slavery……perhaps you'll be proud of life there.

        You are free to travel wherever you find happiness.
        Best wishes.

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