Hanabusa: GOP’s Debt Ceiling Bill is ‘Deceiving’

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Colleen Hanabusa

REPORT FROM US REP. COLLEEN HANABUSA’S OFFICE – On Wednesday, U.S. Representative Colleen Hanabusa (HI-01) voted against H.R. 325, the GOP’s Temporary Debt Limit Suspension.

The bill would suspend the enforcement of the debt limit through May 19, and then automatically increase the debt ceiling to accommodate the additional debt accumulated during that time frame. Also included in the bill is a provision that states if either the Senate or House does not adopt ANY budget resolution by April 15, the members of that body will have their pay withheld until their body passes a budget.

“Because of its deceiving title, the appropriate warning for this legislation is ‘don’t judge a book by its cover,’” said Hanabusa. “It’s shibai, a sham, to say that House members’ pay will be withheld until the House and Senate separately pass any budget resolution; House Republicans know they have enough GOP votes to pass the dangerous Ryan Budget, which guts Medicare and undermines the middle class, so the salaries of House members will never be withheld.”

“Also, while I clearly support our President, I was elected to serve the people of Hawaii and ensure that our Constitutional system of checks and balances is enforced and respected. Because this legislation suspends the enforcement of the debt ceiling, it basically gives the President a blank check for the next four months, then automatically raises the debt ceiling to accommodate whatever debt is incurred over that period of time, without any congressional oversight. And then on May 19 we will be back at square one, dealing with the same financial situation again. We should be working toward a serious, bipartisan, long-term solution that ensures the United States does not default on its obligations, while providing certainty and stability for our economy and the world economy.”

The measure passed by a vote of 285-144 and now heads to the Senate.




  1. Obviously she got the gist of it from her "Media Matters" screener. She won't even watch a 5 minute interview herself.

  2. “It's shibai, a sham, to say that House members’ pay will be withheld until the House and Senate separately pass any budget resolution;…"
    Hanabusa wants her pay ASAP!
    Hanabusa, a real fraud who pushed for legislators 40%+ pay raises while senate president here…said "we deserve it." She has now been paid more than a million for doing nothing at D.C. as she's clueless.
    Hanabusa, read KHON2 report that ALL should be concerned about. Go to; KHON2's https://www.khon2.com/news/local/story/What-the-fi

  3. Hanabusa is a sock puppet for the filthy rich white liberal men, She has not been able to muster a single original thought in her lifetime. In effect, she makes a living (having worked a single day in her life) by parroting lines fed to her by wealthy white liberal men that control Democrat party. She cannot comprehend a simple fact that one cannot run 1.3 trillion dollar annual deficit forever; the smallest uptick in the interest rates and our way of life is kaput. Hanabusa have not met "middle class" in her life. It is just a talking point for her. She is an obedient type, I guess.

  4. rep. colleen hanabusa recently voted against HR 325,the GOP's Temporary Debt Limit Suspension.I actually agree with her vote.all the republican representatives should have also voted against it.here is what Hanabusa said in part,when giving the reasons she voted against the GOP Bill: …"and ensure that our Constitutional system of checks and balances is enforced and respected.Because this legislation suspends the enforcement of the Debt ceiling,it basically gives the President a blank check for the next four months,then automatically raises the debt ceiling to accomadate whatever debt is incurred over that period of time without any congressional oversight.And then on May 19 we will be back at square one,dealing with the same financial situation again…." the fact that Hanabusa was the person making this argument is amazing.her argument is sound and fundemental.the republicans should have made this argument.now maybe she read it from a teleprompter or as Fluffy suggests that "filthy rich white liberal men" text ed this statement to her.the point is the GOP legislation is flawed and cowardly.this GOP bill just "kicks the can down the road"noone is willing to make the politcal decision to stop spending and cut taxes.they are worried that they will not get reelcted iof they make the hard choice.simply put we should default and face the consequences now.

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