Hannemann Supporters Rally at New Kauai Campaign Headquarters

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By Brooke Wilson, Hannemann Campaign

KAUAI – Supporters of Mufi Hannemann yesterday hosted the grand opening of the Kauai campaign headquarters.  Hundreds of supporters attended the family event, which included Hawaiian-style food, entertainment by Kauai’s top talent, and an appearance by Mufi Hannemann.

Momentum for Hannemann to join the race for governor has been building since February, when an estimated 7,000 supporters gathered on Oahu to urge Hannemann to run.  In March, droves of supporters on Kauai amassed at the Kauai War Memorial Convention Hall to show their support for his gubernatorial run.

Earlier this year, many of Hawaii’s largest labor unions endorsed Hannemann for governor, declaring that he has the vision and experience to put Hawaii back on the right track.  These unions include the Iron Workers Local 625, International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), Sheet Metal Workers Local 293, International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District 50, Drywall Tapers Finishers Local 1944, Operating Engineers Local 3, and State of Hawaii Organization of Police Officers (SHOPO).

Support on the Neighbor Islands has been exceptionally strong for Hannemann, one of the co-founders of the Hawaii Council of Mayors. Recently, the Hawaii Council of Mayors succeeded in lobbying the legislature to preserve the counties’ share of the hotel room tax revenues and stepped up to reach an agreement with the United Public Workers for a new collective bargaining pact after talks with the State broke down.

“I was deeply moved by the support I received from the people of Kauai this evening.  Many expressed to me that they are frustrated with the lack of cooperation at the state level with local leadership on Kauai.  It is clear from their enthusiasm that they want a leader who will work with the best interests of all islands in mind,” said Mayor Mufi Hannemann.  “The people on Kauai know, from my experience, that I am the right person for the job.”

