Happening in Hawaii – Jan. 2 to Jan. 29, 2004

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”Honolulu City Council Looking for Participants for Survey about City Services”

The Honolulu City Council has launched a program called PLAN: Priorities Long-Term And Now. Councilmembers would like the communities input as they assess which city services are the most vital to taxpayers. This is not a scientific survey. It is one of the many tools the Council will use to set priorities for the next budget year and for the years to come.

To get the survey online, go to https:///www.co.honolulu.hi.us/council/ and click on the City Council Survey link from there.

For more information, call Kim Ribellia, senior advisor to Council Chair Donovan M. Dela Cruz, at 547-7002 or Mary Schmidtke, senior advisor to Council Member Barbara Marshall, at 547-7003.

”*Fitness and Energy Training”

The new Dahn Hak Brain Respiration Center in Kailua is offering a free trial class. Call 942-0003 for information. Dahn Hak is a Korean style QiGong that emphasizes physical, energy and spiritual healing and practices.

”*Jan. 14, 2004”
”28th Annual Small Business Hawaii Conference”

“Small Businesss 2004: Platform for Hawaii’s Capital Formation and Economic Growth” is the theme for this year’s SBH annual conference to be held Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2004, at the Ala Moana Hotel. Speakers include Gov. Linda Lingle, Congressman Ed Case and Dr. John Rutledge, investment advisor. KHVH radio’s Rick Hamada will be the program Master of Ceremonies.

For more information, call SBH at 396-1724 or go to https://www.smallbusinesshawaii.com

”*Jan. 17, 2004”
”Authentic emPOWERment Workshop held on Maui”

On Saturday, Jan. 17, 2004, Seat of the Soul Workshops will kick off the first AUTHENTIC emPOWERment Workshop as part of its USA Tour 2004 with award-winning authors Gary Zukav and Linda Francis.

The event, which will take place at the Maui Wailea Marriott, an Outrigger Resort, features Zukav – author of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Seat of the Soul and the award-winning The Dancing Wu Li Masters – and his spiritual partner and co-author Linda Francis. They will introduce material from their new book The Mind of the Soul: Responsible Choice and its companion, the Self-Empowerment Journal. The Zukav/Francis 2004 USA Tour will travel across the U.S., with 15 new one-day workshops and 4 weekend workshops, including a new Family Workshop.

Tickets to this event are $99 for the entire day. Direct ticket inquiries by going to: https://www.seatofthesoul.com or send email to: mailto:info@seatofthesoul.com or call 877-SEE-GARY.

”*Jan. 23, 2004”
”Deadline to register for the 2004 U.H. Business Plan Competition”

Entries are being sought for the U.H. Business Plan Competition held by the Pacific Asian Center for Entrepreneurship & E-Business, College of Business Administration, University of Hawaii at Manoa.

The U.H. Business Plan Competition seeks to provide an integrative learning experience for participating students who are interested in pursuing entrepreneurial opportunities. Teams vie for $50,000 in cash prizes, with the help of community business mentors, help sessions and special speakers.

The first place winners will receive a cash prize of $25,000. The second place winners will receive a cash prize of $15,000 and third place winners will receive a cash prize of $10,000.

To find out more, go to https://www.cba.hawaii.edu/bpc/index.asp

”*Jan. 29, 2004”
”Councilmember Charles Djou to Speak at SBH Sunrise Breakfast”

“What’s Going on in Your City & County?” is the subject of this year’s first monthly Small Business Hawaii Sunrise Networking Breakfast, featuring Charles Djou, Honolulu council member from the 4th District (Waikiki-Hawaii Kai), on Thursday, Jan. 29, 2004 at Macy’s Pineapple Room in Ala Moana Shopping Cneter from 7 to 8:30 a.m.

The public is welcome. Advanced paid reservations required. Parking is free. The cost is $20 for SBH members and their guests (in advance) and $30 for non-members or at the door, if space is available. For more information or to make reservations, call SBH at 396-1724. Or see the Web site at https://www.smallbusinesshawaii.com

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