Happening in Hawaii – Jan. 9 to Feb. 12, 2004

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”Honolulu City Council Looking for Participants for Survey about City Services”

The Honolulu City Council has launched a program called PLAN: Priorities Long-Term And Now. Councilmembers would like the communities input as they assess which city services are the most vital to taxpayers. This is not a scientific survey. It is one of the many tools the Council will use to set priorities for the next budget year and for the years to come.

To get the survey online, go to https:///www.co.honolulu.hi.us/council/ and click on the City Council Survey link from there.

For more information, call Kim Ribellia, senior advisor to Council Chair Donovan M. Dela Cruz, at 547-7002 or Mary Schmidtke, senior advisor to Council Member Barbara Marshall, at 547-7003.

”*Fitness and Energy Training”

The new Dahn Hak Brain Respiration Center in Kailua is offering a free trial class. Call 942-0003 for information. Dahn Hak is a Korean style QiGong that emphasizes physical, energy and spiritual healing and practices.

”Jan. 9, 2004”
”Deadline for Judicial Nominees”

Chief Justice Ronald T. Y. Moon announced [Dec. 31, 2003] that he is seeking public comment on judicial nominees for one vacancy at the District Court of the First Circuit, State of Hawaii, and one vacancy at the District Family Court of the First Circuit, State of Hawaii. The names submitted by the Judicial Selection Commission for each of the vacancies are listed below:

For the vacancy that occurred upon the elevation of the Honorable Rhonda Nishimura to the circuit court on June 20, 2003:

*Patrick W. Border
*William A. Cardwell
*Darwin L. D. Ching
*Sherri-Ann L. Iha
*Edwin C. Nacino
*Peter T. Stone

For the vacancy that occurred upon the retirement of the Honorable Darryl Choy on December 30, 2003:

*David M. Hayakawa
*Christine E. Kuriyama
*Margaret K. Masunaga
*Edwin C. Nacino
*Shawna J. Sodersten
*Lori H. Wada

Anyone who would like to comment about the character and qualifications of any of the nominees before the Chief Justice makes his selection should mail, fax or deliver their written comments to:

Chief Justice Ronald T. Y. Moon, Supreme Court of Hawaii, 417 S. King Street, Honolulu, HI 96813 or fax to: 539-4703

Written comments must be post-marked, faxed or delivered no later than Friday, Jan. 9, 2004. Comments may be delivered to the Supreme Court Clerk’s Office at 417 S. King Street (the building directly behind the Kamehameha statue, first floor). All comments will be confidential.

The individual selected by the Chief Justice for each vacancy is subject to Senate confirmation.

”*Jan. 13, 2004”
”Biotechnology Meeting Sponsored by HART Hawaii and the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii”

Rick Klemm of HART Hawaii has invited all Grassroot Institute of Hawaii members and subscribers to a special breakfast for legislators which will be held on Jan. 13; 7:30 – 9:30 a.m. at the Pacific Club (Card Room). The subject will be BioTech Potential. Scheduled speakers are Linda Thrane of the Council for Biotechnology Info and Barry Ryan of the University of Minnesota. Topics covered will be Survey results on consumer attitudes toward biotech foods and the Economic Impact of agriculture biotechnology, followed by a question and answer session. This legislative breakfast is open to the public for only $5 and if you are interested in attending please contact Dick Rowland at (808) 591-9193 or email him at mailto:grassroot@hawaii.rr.com

”*Jan. 13, 2004”
”State and Sony Team up to Present Inaugural Digital Media & Visitor Industry Tech Conference”

The Digital Media and Visitor Industry Tech Conference Sponsored by Sony and the State of Hawaii is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2004, from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. with Tthe luncheon address from noon to 1:30 p.m., at the Hilton Hawaiian Village Coral Ballroom.

Digital media and the role of technology applications in the visitor industry will be discussed in this inaugural day-long conference to be held in conjunction with the 26th annual Pacific Telecommunications Council conference.

The morning panel, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon, will cover digital media technology and will be hosted by Chris Lee of the Academy for Creative Media, University of Hawaii.

Keynote speakers during the luncheon, from 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m., will be Gov. Linda Lingle and Mr. Kunitake Ando, President and Group Chief Operating Officer of Sony Corporation.

The afternoon panel on new technologies for the visitor industry will be hosted by Dr. Mark Hukill of the School of Travel Industry Management, University of Hawaii.

Call 539-3611 for more information.

”*Jan. 14, 2004”
”28th Annual Small Business Hawaii Conference”

Small Business Hawaii, Hawaii

