Has Eric Ryan Met His Match? New Web Site Claims to Reveal the ‘Truth’ About ‘Cyber Bully’ Targeting Hawaii Politicians

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A new web site was launched on Sunday afternoon claims to reveal the “truth” about Eric Ryan, an Ewa-based web designer who has targeted a series of Hawaii political figures with extensive personal attacks published on the Internet.

The web site, https://ericryanisacrook.blogspot.com/, which is sourced but posted anonymously, says it includes information from “all of Eric’s victims and others involved, asking for responses and any information about Ryan they could provide.”

The web site, which says to “beware of Eric Ryan,” promises more updates to information already posted on “Eric’s history of lies.” The site, which features Ryan holding a sign that says “will hack for food,” also claims “Eric stiffs creditors and makes clients pay more than he owes….”

The information, which goes as far back as Ryan’s time in college, details litigation against Ryan, and conflicts he’s had with Hawaii politicians and political candidates.

No one has claimed responsibility for the web site and it appears it is registered out of the country. The name of the web site is a play on a web site that Ryan launched recently – Kym pine is a crook.com – which retaliates against State Rep. Kymberly Marcos Pine for allegedly cheating Ryan. He distributed a flier throughout political circles in recent weeks that compared her to Congressman Anthony Weiner and Casey Anthony to Pine.

Pine said she paid Ryan and his business partner several thousand dollars and does not owe them more money and yet is being harassed by Ryan and his “business partner”, Daniel Brackins. (Brackins denies he was Ryan’s partner, but on his resume does claim to have been an employee of Ryan).

Pine said just after working with her for a month and a half, Ryan tried to extort money from her and force her to keep him on as her web designer from now until 2012 and retaliated when she refused. He still has control of two of her web sites and refuses to return them to her, she said, which led her to contact authorities and asked them to investigate.

Ryan made several additional claims against Pine on Friday through updates to his web site, Kym pine is a crook.com, and Ryan went on the Carroll Cox radio show on this Sunday to complain about Pine and others who allegedly are in a conspiracy against him.

But the new web site, EricRyanisacrook.com, also counters Ryan’s accusations about Pine and others.

Pine said: “I do not know who is behind the new website ericryanisacrook.com, but God bless them.”

Ryan has had numerous public fall outs in recent years with several of his high profile political clients including Stop Rail Now’s Cliff Slater, Gubernatorial Candidate and attorney John Carroll and various Hawaii Republican party officials – he also launched Internet sites about them. Pine said the site targeting Carroll largely mirrors the one Ryan set up about her.

Carroll told Hawaii Reporter that Ryan still has one or two of his campaign web sites and claims that Ryan forged his signature on a contract and tried to use that to extort him for more money, “even though it was very clear forgery.”

“In all, he took about $30,000 from me, $6,000 was supposed to be a loan to cover his mortgage.”  The money was never returned to him, Carroll said, leading him to file a complaint with the prosecutor’s office.

After their fall out, Carroll said Ryan published a series of press releases about Carroll and filed 19 complaints against his campaign, Citizens for Carroll, even though Ryan was the chairman of the campaign and had mishandled the very details of the campaign that he was using in the complaint against Carroll.

“He should be locked up in an insane asylum. He has so much talent but it is all askew. He even had himself running for governor for a while on my web site,” Carroll said last week.

Just before his conflict with Carroll, Ryan was in a fight with the organizers of Stop Rail Now after he was fired as the 2008 campaign manager. That year, he got into a public spat with Keith Rollman, who worked as an appointee for Mayor Mufi Hannemann, and that also led to an investigation by the city prosecutor’s office. Rollman, who owns his own business, now publishes the comical web site, https://www.AtomicMonkey.Wordpress.com and wrote about Ryan’s series of conflicts here.

Through much of this recent controversy with Pine, Ryan had been serving as Honolulu Council Member Tom Berg’s office manager.

After a bout of bad publicity in recent weeks, Berg fired Ryan several days ago. Rather than set up a whole new web site, Ryan then added Berg to Pine’s web site calling them both “crooks.”

Berg would not comment on the reason for firing Ryan, but Ryan claimed it was retaliation for “whistleblowing” so called “waste, fraud and abuse” on Berg’s staff and for speaking out about Pine.

The story came full circle late last week when flier mocking Ryan’s campaign against Pine was mysteriously placed around the capitol and city hall comparing him to a “horses ass”, and telling everyone to check out the web site, EricRyanisaCrook.com.

While the flier reportedly was just a parody on Ryan, and at the time that web site did not actually exist, the idea took hold.

The city prosecutor and FBI, both of which have investigated Ryan for various allegations, has been largely ineffective in dealing with numerous allegations against him.

But the new web site ends with a poll asking what should be done about Eric Ryan: “put him in jail; sue him; put him in a box and send him to Abudabi or hope he just moves.”

Unlike most polls, this poll allows participants to choose multiple categories and change their vote.




  1. The b**** slap fight between Eric Ryan and Keith Rollman (the probable source of the new attack website) is getting to be a bit wearisome. Please stop encouraging them, Hawaii Reporter.

    • Agreed. They should fight it out in a court of law. There is enough trash on the web, we don’t need the local stink.

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