Hawaii Attorney General, Ad Council, Launches New Ads Aimed at Hawaii Youth

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(HONOLULU) The Department of the Attorney General is partnering with The Advertising Council on a new campaign aimed at putting the brakes on fatal car crashes involving teens and young adults. The Department of the Attorney General joins the Ad Council and a coalition of state Attorneys General, consumer protection agencies, and national partners such as SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) and AAA (American Automobile Association), to promote the new UR the Spokesperson campaign to prevent reckless driving and save lives.

Car crashes are the number one cause of death among teens and young adults. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration data show that, on average, more than 300,000 teens are injured in car crashes each year, nearly 8,000 are involved in fatal crashes and more than 3,500 are killed. NHTSA research also shows that teen drivers are involved in more than five times as many fatal crashes as adults. Young drivers are more likely to speed, run red lights, make illegal turns and die in an SUV rollover.

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