Hawaii Attorney General Responds to Sheriff Arpaio’s Allegations About Obama’s Birth Certificate

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BY JOSHUA A. WISCH – The State of Hawaii has repeatedly confirmed the indisputable evidence of President Obama’s birth in Hawaii.

An exhaustive accounting of this is provided on the State Department of Health (DOH) website – https://hawaii.gov/health/vital-records/obama.html

When this issue last arose in May, the Washington Post noted that “the Hawaii Department of Health has released both the short and long forms of the president’s birth certificate; and that all this information, along with clear-as-a-bell explanations, is available to the public online.”

President Obama was born in Honolulu, and his birth certificate is valid.

Regarding the latest allegations from a sheriff in Arizona, they are untrue, misinformed, and misconstrue Hawaii law.

The purpose of section 338-17.8, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), is to accommodate foreign-born individuals whose parents were residents of Hawaii but were temporarily outside of this state due to employment or military service. Similar to section 338-20.5, HRS, which provides for a certificate of foreign birth, anyone who receives a birth certificate under this section would have noted on their birth certificate the physical location of their actual birth. It does not confer citizenship, which is, of course, a power of the federal government.

We also note that section 338-17.8 was not passed until 1982, so it cannot apply to President Obama, who was born at the Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital in Honolulu in 1961, as is reflected on his certificate of live birth, a copy of which can be viewed on the White House website, a link to which is provided on DOH’s website.

Vital records in Hawaii have some of the highest levels of privacy protection in the nation.  Not only are Hawaii’s vital records some of the best managed, but they also have some of the strongest restrictions on access to prevent identity theft and fraud.

Joshua A. Wisch is the Special Assistant to the Attorney General for the State of Hawaii




  1. FACTS you have NOT been told about: The Greatest FRAUD (and PRESS COVER-UP) in World History !!!

    1.) Obama has claimed TWO DIFFERENT Hawaii hospitals & birth-doctors – but NONE admits Obama born there.

    2.) Hawaii ALLOWS OUT OF STATE / COUNTRY birth-registrations – via DOH 338-17.8 (note: Act 96 in 1961) ( Therefore: NOT PROOF OF “HAWAII” BIRTH – ( w/ no proof required of “parents” or even “date-of-birth” )

    LINK: https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/hrscurrent/Vol06_Ch

    3.) Birth-recording via Act 96 / 338-17.8 would generate "Public Notice" NEWSPAPER ANNOUNCEMENTS. (often quoted as "proof" of Hawian birth)

    • MOST IMPORTANT: BEFORE IT WAS CHANGED BY OBAMA, the official U.S. Passport Application required: “certificaTIONS” from “FOREIGN” BORN applicants. (CertifiCATES from “American-native” born applicants.)

      *** It also used to specify that “short-forms” may NOT be acceptable, (unless it included HOSPITAL & DOCTOR).

      4.) Act 96 / 338-17.8 would explain the 2008 (short-form) CertificaTION of Live Birth – NOT A CERTIFICATE. ( NO Hospital / Doctor listed – does NOT “prove” Hawaii birth – Not Acceptable For Passport or “Hawaii Homelands” )

      5.) Obama or attorney NEVER stated the new Long-Form Birth-Certificate was "legal". (read transcript)
      Instead that the 2008 COLB, (certificaTION), was "THE presidents (only) LEGAL birth-document".

      LINK: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/0

      6.) Computer/Graphics experts & law enforcement investigators proved the LFBC is a computer-altered “forgery”.

      • 7.) The LFBC "verification" from Hawaii is INVALID because it is not legally "signed", or dated. ( Only RUBBER-STAMP signature with initials "JK" beside it – NOTE: "JK" in internet shorthand is "JUST JOKING". )

        NOTE: It does NOT state Obama’s Date-of-Birth, nor, that PDF file is “TRUE and ACCURATE” copy of original.

        8.) Therefore VERIFIED by Obama’s ATTORNEY (and Hawaii’s non-verification): The presidents only “legal” birth-document is the 2008 COLB, short-form certificaTION. ( But: Does NOT “prove” Hawaii birth !!! )

        9. ) NOTE that: All statements from Hawaiian officials have been CONTRADICTORY, or mis-quotes from other officials.
        (Including conflicting statements from governors – NEW governor (Abercombe) admits only a “written entry notation”.)

      • 10. ) Barack Hussein Obama is NOT a (CONSTITUTIONALLY eligible) "NATURAL BORN" citizen, Even IF born in Hawaii: His father was not an American-citizen, and his mother NOT OLD ENOUGH to convey citizenship.
        ( Minor vs Happersett & Venus 12— and subsequent Supreme Court decisions indicate TWO American-citizen parents – restated as recently as 2008 when Sen. Resolution 511 resolved John McCain’s eligibility w/ TWO “CITIZEN” parents. )

        11.) Obama ADMITTED he was not “Natural Born” during early U.S. Senate “debate”. But stated it “did not matter” because he was NOT (yet) running for “president”. ( He says he is “native” born . )

        12.) The EVIDENCE is that NANCY PELOSI KNEW – she deliberately deleted the “eligibility” clause from her 2008 nomination-affidavits to all 50 states. ( BUT: Hawaii forced her to re-instate it — for ‘Hawaii” only. WHY ??? )

      • 13.) DUAL citizen at birth (American/BRITISH), and possibly now Indonesian citizen. ( w/ INDONESIAN PASSPORT ??? )

        14.) Not One Shred Of (credible) Evidence Obama is currently a U.S. ”CITIZEN”. ( thus ILLEGAL ALIEN ??? )

        15.) There are NO PASSPORT records available. (Or school applications – enrolled as “FOREIGN” student ??? )

        16.) He is using a STOLEN SS#. ( From Harold Bounell – born 1890, died 1976, and used by Obama by/since 1986. )

        17.) FAKE Selective Service application. ( Signed “the-day-after” date-stamped , with (19)80 stamp created from a “reversed – (20)08 stamp”, with signature that looks like his “recent” signatures instead of known 1980 signatures. )

        18.) His PUBLIC BIO FOR 16+ YEARS read: "Born in Kenya — Raised In Indonesia & Hawaii".

      • 19.) Evidence: enrolled in a (Muslim) Indonesian school AS AN “INDONESIAN” CITIZEN, under name Soetoro.

        BUT: Soebarkah was used on a "official" U.S. form, (mothers passport application); thus may be "LEGAL" name.

        20.) If birth-certificates are correct, he should use Obama "II". (He is USING HIS "FATHERS" name by omitting the "II")

        So “WHO” is this ILLEGAL ALIEN, using ILLEGAL NAME & SS –– that is RUINING “your” country ???

      • 19) That unsigned, not dated document also says he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii.

        20) Senator John Sidney McCain II signs his name John McCain. He also does not use the "II". He is using his grandfather's name by omitting the "II". LOL

        President Obama has produced more personal records than any other prior President. But don't let the facts interfere with your stupidity.

      • pResident usurper Obama/Soetoro/Soebarkah has more "authentic/certified/genuine/verified" birth certificates than any other prior president…at least four different short-form versions plus two different long-form versions. But don't let that fact stop you from drinking more Kool-Aid.

      • 13) Constitution does not prohibit dual citizens from being President. The citizenship laws of other countries do not impact the US Constitution.

        14) Except for the State of Hawaii saying he was born there.

        15) There are no passport records available for any previous President or presidential candidate. Same with school applications.

        16) No, he is using the same SSN issued to him in 1977. No proof that anyone named Bounel ever immigrated to the US (Ellis Island website). The name Harrison Bounel first appeared in the public databases in 2009. Never existed before that time.

        17) Selective Service Administration going back to before he was President, has maintained that President Obama's selective service record are in order and that he registered in 1980 in Honolulu, Hawaii.

        18) Person who wrote the bio admits that she made a mistake and never received any information from President Obama that he was born anywhere but Hawaii. Also newspaper articles from 1990 through 2000 written about him sy he was born in Hawaii.

      • 10) Anyone born in the United Staes with only a very few exceptions is a "natural born citizen". Minor v. Happersett has repeated been shown not to say what birthers claim it says. Resolution 511 does not say that it requires two citizen parents, only that Senator McCain was born outside the US to two citizen parents and is therefore a NBC.

        11) This is outright falsehood. No one has ever been able to produce any documentation to show this to be true.

        12) Only Hawaii has such a requirement. All of The DNC certifications met Hawaii state laws.

      • 7) Rubber stamp signatures are legally recognized. The verification sent to the Federal Court in Mississippi is initialed by Dr. Onaka.

        8) Actually the short form does prove Hawaiian birth.

        9) Statements by Hawaiian officials are not at all contradictory and all indicate the same thing – Presdiet Obama was born in Hawaii. BTW, Governor Abercrombie never admitted an such thing.

      • 4) Not true, short form BC have been accepted by the US State Department since before President Obama was elected. Form the State Department passport website ( Dec., 2004):
        "NOTE: A certified birth certificate has a registrar's raised, embossed, impressed or multicolored seal, registrar’s signature, and the date the certificate was filed with the registrar's office, which must be within 1 year of your birth"

        5) Long forms are not legal in Hawaii – they only produce short forms which are good for passports.

        6) Two real computer experts (PhDs in computer science) have said nothing out of ordinary in White House pdf.

      • 6) Two real computer experts (PhDs in computer science) have said nothing out of ordinary in White House pdf.

        Should read

        6) Two real computer experts (PhDs in computer science) have said there is nothing out of ordinary in White House pdf.

    • Such ignorance:

      1) No he has always claimed only Kapiolani. A high school newspaper reporter claimed Queens.

      2) No, 338-17 did not exist in 1961, the law clearly says it was first enacted in [L 1982, c 182, §1]. Act 96 does not say that a foreign born person can receive a Hawaiian BC.

      3) Act 96 (HS 57-40) does allow someone born in Kenya to get a birth certificate that says born in Honolulu.

      • 3) Act 96 (HS 57-40) does allow someone born in Kenya to get a birth certificate that says born in Honolulu.

        should read

        3) Act 96 (HS 57-40) does NOT allow someone born in Kenya to get a birth certificate that says born in Honolulu.

  2. Nice try. Why you think you know better than the attorney general of Hawaii is hilarious. The conspiracy now would have to include hundreds of people you idiot. Don't you have a KkK rally or something.

    • You're an idiot buddy. Look at the evidence. and for god sakes learn some history before spewing dumb sh*t publicly.

  3. Congress has to impeach obama before we can recall him, and no way will this happen…..forget this.
    Does President Barack Obama have the right to order the assassination of an American anywhere in the world—without any oversight from Congress or the courts, and even if that U.S. citizen is not actively plotting a specific terrorist attack? His administration, in a stunning Justice Department memo laying out a broad legal rationale for the country's ever-expanding drone war, says yes
    So, under what circumstances does he have the right to act? See yahoo's;

  4. president Obama's mother Ann Dunham worked for the CIA in Honolulu andextensively in Indonesia.her second husband,LoLO Soetoro,who she met at UH in 1965 was called back to Indonesia to fight communist insurgents in a CIA=backed genocide.she and Obama jr. joined him in 1967.apparently,LoLo Soetoro was an army colonel for then Pres.Suharto.Pres. Obama's Maternal grandmother, Madelyn Dunham also had ties toCIA in Hawaii thru the Bank Of Hawaii and as vice president of the bank handled escrow accounts used to make CIA payments to US supported dctators like Marcos in Phillipnes and ngyuen va thieu of South Vietnam and Suharto of Indonesia.also Obama]s father arrived in Hawaii in 1959 in a CIA directed air flight.

    • Wow…All you are missing is involvement by SPECTRE and SMUSH…That was the most farfetched bunch of garbarge written on this blog in a long time…The Kennedy foundation paid for Obama Sr. to come to America and go to college…You birthers really have a vivid imagination….

      • Think you have the Kennedy Foundation bit wrong.This happened in 1959. Long before Kennedy was President.

  5. Frank Marshal Davis was a card carrying member of CPUSA. It doesn't mix that Obama's whole familiy is CIA, But Obama's mentor was a communist. the CIA was actively trying to destory Communism. It doesn't jive that a full blown Commie on the Run from the FBI is welcomed into the Dunham household to mentor little Barack into a Commie sympathiser, Who later as President, would give the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Delores Huerta, a full blown commie in the California Labor protests.

    There are somethings about Obama that are totally strange (like how he sealed up his grades and transcripts from College, and how he afforded it).

    But what shaftalley produced above is complete unsubstantiated garbage designed to decoy and confuse.

    • I had read a few years ago (sorry, didn't save it) that Stanley Sr. was under investigation by the FBI for attempting to sell military secrets to a foreign power. Which is allegedly why he moved his family from Kansas to Hawaii before it became a state. Don't know how true this is.

  6. @ Real Deal 36- there is evidence out there.for example read " The Story of Obama: All In The Company " by investigative journalist Wayne Madsen.and Obama is not coming forth with his college days and transcripts because of his links to the CIA where he was recruited. And the CIA was anti communistbut at the same time were involved in the opium trade in golden triangle during viet=nam conflict.

  7. That guy Wayne Madsen comes up with some extremely far fetched claims. He should watch out, least he discredit himself by throwing every kind of spaghetti onto a wall and seeing what sticks. Even a broken clock is correct twice a day. that is no indication that the clock works though.

    Obama's pinko commie ties are enough for the casual observer to see that he is an anti-American sympathizer. Dnesh D'souza's "Obama 2016" tells the observer all they need to know about him.

    Most other stuff about Obama is the product of hucksters and shysters.

  8. I'm pretty confident that Wayne Madsen is a Jew Hating zealot, who probably passes out copies of Mien Kampf and the Turner Diaries (like Timothy McVeigh did). Please shaftalley, please don't tell me you watch movies like "the eternal Jew" and "Triumph of the will"

  9. @Real Deal 36-Obama is no Marxist. He's not a "commie" sympathizer.He is Keynesian.100% statist.maybe frank marshal davis had little influence.Look,Obama was groomed for the presidency by key members of the Tri-lateral Commission and the CIA.Zbigniew Brzezinski,a co-founder of the Trilateral along with david Rockefeller.Brzezinski was Obama's principal foreign policy advisor and mentor to Jimmy Carter and Obama.Brent Scowcroft was an unofficial advisor to Obama. All of this never gets the attention of the mainstream media because the media at the top are members of the Trilaterals,the Council on Foreign Relations and the CIA.connect all the dots.

  10. Obama sr. was sent to the US by the communist Keynesian government. Frank Marshal Davis was a mentor to Obama. not "maybe" a "little" influence. A whole lot. Obama jr. talks about Franky extensively in his book. I know to try and pass off your theories, you must deny or belittle Obama's communist sympathising. Please read about the 'Honolulu Record 'for more information.

    Most people that cite your information beleive in the same propaganda put forth by Aryan Nation and Neo Nazi publications.

    • You do realize that when Obama Sr. came to America the British were stil in charge in Kenya…That kind of blows up your ridiculous theory….And Obama does not discuss Marshall much at all in his books…You people just like making stuff up….

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