Hawaii Bill Repeals Special Funds: Will This Turn into a Hike for Hawaii Taxpayers?

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BY HAWAII VOTES – A multitude of special funds (see list below) are slated to be on the chopping block with the introduction yesterday of Hawaii Senate Bill SB120, to repeal certain special funds and transfer balances to the state general fund.

The question arises, if a special fund is repealed, and the fund is paid for by users’ fees, does the user fee get reduced or does it stay the same and essentially that extra money becomes a tax to go into the general fund?

The bill does not address this issue.

The 193-page SB120 Special Fund Raid bill includes the following funds to repeal:

·         Works of Art
·         Special funds of the University of Hawaii
·         State Educational Facilities Improvement (SEFI)
·         Convention Center Enterprise
·         Housing Loan Program Revenue Bond
·         Housing Project Bond
·         Unemployment Compensation Fund
·         Tourism
·         Sport Fish
·         Center for Nursing
·         Hawaii Cancer Research
·         Community Health Centers
·         Emergency Medical Services
·         Shared Services Technology
·         Donations to Board of Education for Library Services
·         Library Fee for Enhanced Services
·         DNA Registry
·         Drug Demand Reduction Assessments
·         Hawaii Historic Preservation
·         Hawaii Legislative Publications
·         Access Hawaii Committee
·         Tobacco Enforcement
·         Medicaid Investigations Recovery Fund
·         Contribution Fund
·         Stadium
·         Kapolei Recreational Sports Complex
·         Wireless Enhanced 911 Fund
·         Aquaculture Development
·         Agricultural Development and Food Security
·         Animal Quarantine
·         Seal of Quality
·         Milk Control
·         Agricultural Park
·         Non-agricultural Park Lands
·         Irrigation Water Development
·         Irrigation Repair and Maintenance
·         Beach Restoration
·         Water Resource
·         Dam and Reservoir Safety
·         State Parks
·         Commercial Fisheries
·         Natural Area Reserve; Heritage Program
·         Forest Stewardship
·         Energy Security
·         Hawaii Television and Film Development
·         Convention Center Enterprise
·         Tourism
·         Renewable Energy Facility-siting
·         Revenue bonds
·         Special Facility Revenue Bonds
·         High Technology
·         Hydrogen Investment Capital
·         Foreign Trades Zones
·         Agricultural Loan Revolving Fund
·         Statewide Geospatial Information and Data Integration
·         Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority
·         Tax Administration
·         Cigarette Tax Stamp Administrative
·         Public Utilities Commission
·         Driver Education and Training Fund
·         Felix Stipend Program
·         Hawaii Teacher Standards Board
·         School-level Minor Repairs and Maintenance
·         (Rules governing establishment of) Hawaii Educator Loan Program
·         University of Hawaii Risk Management
·         University of Hawaii at Manoa Malpractice
·         University of Hawaii Tuition and Fees
·         Statewide Information Technology and Services
·         University of Hawaii Libraries
·         University of Hawaii Community Services
·         University of Hawaii Auxiliary Enterprises
·         Western Governors University
·         University of Hawaii Scholarship and Assistance
·         State Higher Education Loan Fund
·         Hawaii Educator Loan Program
·         Community Colleges
·         Center for Nursing
·         Hawaii Medical Education
·         State Aquarium
·         University of Hawaii-West Oahu
·         University Revenue Undertakings Fund
·         Hawaii Cancer Research
·         Energy Systems Development
·         Mauna Kea Lands Management
·         John A. Burns School of Medicine
·         University of Hawaii Capital Improvements Program Project Assessment
·         University of Hawaii Commercial Enterprises Revolving
·         Child Care Programs Revolving Fund
·         Research and Training Revolving Fund
·         Discoveries and Inventions Revolving Fund
·         Student Health Center Revolving Fund
·         Transcript and Diploma Revolving Fund
·         University of Hawaii Student Activities Revolving Fund
·         University of Hawaii Housing Assistance Revolving Fund
·         University of Hawaii Alumni Revolving Fund
·         University of Hawaii Graduate Application Revolving Fund
·         University of Hawaii at Manoa Intercollegiate Athletics Revolving Fund
·         University of Hawaii at Hilo Intercollegiate Athletics Revolving Fund
·         Animal Research Farm, Waialee, Oahu Revolving Fund
·         Seed Distribution Program Revolving Fund
·         Conference Center
·         International Exchange Healthcare Tourism Revolving Fund
·         Education Laboratory School Sumer Programs Revolving Fund
·         Center for Labor Education and Research Revolving Fund
·         Career and Technical Training Projects Revolving Fund; University of Hawaii at Hilo
·         Community  College and University of Hawaii at Hilo Bookstore Revolving Fund
·         Hawaiian Language College Revolving Fund
·         University of Hawaii Hilo Theatre Revolving Fund
·         Conference Center Revolving Fund; University of Hawaii at Hilo
·         University of Hawaii Real Property and Facilities Use Revolving fund
·         University Parking Revolving Fund
·         Libraries
·         Library Fee for Enhanced Services
·         Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
·         Office of Health Care Assurance; Deposits; Expenditures
·         Community Health Centers
·         Trauma System
·         Sanitation and Environmental Health
·         Emergency Medical Services
·         Early Intervention
·         Birth Defects
·         Neurotrauma
·         State Health Planning and Development Special Fund; Created; Deposits; Expenditures; Fees
·         Hawaii Organ and Tissue Education
·         Hawaii Tobacco Settlement
·         Mental Health and Substance Abuse
·         Vital Statistics Improvement
·         Wastewater Treatment Certification Board
·         Clean Air
·         (Establishment of) the Environmental Management
·         Noise, Radiation, and Indoor Air Quality
·         Asbestos and Lead Abatement
·         Souse and Child Abuse Special Account, Department of Human Services
·         Rx Plus
·         State Pharmacy Assistance Program
·         Housing First
·         Disability and Communication Access Board
·         Federal Reimbursement Maximization
·         Public Housing Revolving Fund; Housing Project Bond
·         Unemployment Compensation fund; Establishment and Control
·         Employment and Training Fund
·         Loss Mitigation Grant Fund
·         Dietician Licensure
·         Solicitation of Funds for Charitable Purposes
·         Bureau of Conveyances
·         Spouse and Child Abuse Special Account; Judiciary
·         Judiciary Computer System
·         Probation Services




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  1. Many of those special funds are quite small in dollar value. There’s one very BIG special fund that should be raided and have all its money returned to the general fund. It’s worth about $400 Million, mostly sucked out of Hawaii and invested in the stock market. I’m talking about OHA, of course.

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