Hawaii Democrats Seek Guidance, Wisdom of Management Expert-William Ouchi, Brought to Hawaii by Republicans, Inspires House Democrats to Attempt to Model Local Public School System After His Recommendations

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    Gov. Linda Lingle and some of her supporters recruited best selling
    author and professor at UCLA, Dr. William Ouchi, to come to Hawaii
    and talk with legislators about the benefits of decentralizing the
    public education system.

    Apparently Democrats in the House were impressed with his testimony.
    Yesterday Democrat leadership in the House announced they want to
    formulate a plan for Hawaii’s public education system based on the
    studies of Ouchi.

    Republicans are pleased with the Democrats’ response and plans, but
    caution more needs to be done to ensure the governor’s plans also are
    implemented including the creation of 7 locally-elected school
    boards, getting principals out of the union, and supporting charter
    schools and choice in education.

    Background on Ouchi:

    William Ouchi is the author of the New York Times bestseller Theory
    Z: How American Management Can Meet the Japanese Challenge
    (Addison-Wesley, 1981). Theory Z was on the best seller list for five
    months, has been published in 14 foreign editions, and ranks as the
    seventh most widely held book of the 12 million titles held in 4,000
    U.S. libraries. He is the author of two additional books and of
    scholarly articles on organization and management. At UCLA, Dr. Ouchi
    teaches courses in management and in organization design, and
    conducts research on the structure of large organizations. He was
    appointed to the faculty in 1979, leaving during 1993-95 to serve as
    advisor and then chief of staff to Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan.
    He was co-chair of the UCLA School Management Program and continues
    as chairman of the Riordan Programs, which serve minority high school
    and college students in Southern California. He also chairs the
    Nissan-HBCU Summer Institute, which serves the professoriat of the
    Historically Black Colleges and Universities of the U.S.
    In service to the profession, Ouchi has served on the editorial
    boards of four scholarly journals and serves as advisor to several
    granting agencies. He serves on the boards of Williams College, KCET
    public television, Allegheny-Teledyne, First Federal Bank of
    California, California Community Foundation, LEARN, Japanese American
    National Museum, and the Commission on Presidential Debates. He is
    also a member of the Consumer Advisory Committee of the U.S.
    Securities and Exchange Commission and of the Real Estate Advisory
    Committee of the Trust Company of the West.

    One of Ouchi’s Most Recent Studies on Education:

    ”I. The Failure of California’s Schools”

    California enrolls approximately 6 million students in its public schools, 12.5 percent of the nation

