Hawaii DOE is Scrooge!

Courtesy https://agentgenius.com
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Courtesy https://agentgenius.com

BY JOHN HOFF – A Christmas wish: before the Dept. of Education (DOE) spends $1.9 million for a new softball stadium for Kapa’a High School how about paying the $20+ million dollars the DOE withheld, embezzled, from substitutes pay beginning in 1996.

Substitutes were awarded $20+ million for just a portion of a 9 year period:  5 years from 2000 – 2005.  Court appeals; court cost; attorney’s fees; and other issues increased it to $30 million. The last appeal was denied Aug., 2010 and now tax payers must pay with tax payer’s dollars.  14 years being cheated by your employer! In the private sector that employer would be fined and in jail.
Gov. Abercrombie, stop giving $77 million to unions and the DOE and pay Hawaii’s substitutes teachers; hold those responsible accountable with criminal prosecution and penalties; correct this injustice!  What would readers want done if their bosses withheld portions of their pay for 9 years denying their families full pay, no benefits, for their time and energies performing their jobs?

John Hoff is a resident of Lawai. Reach him at stpalhawaii@msn.com

