Hawaii Fire Fighters Association Endorses Billy Kenoi for Hawai’i County Mayor

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Mayor Billie Kenoi

REPORT FROM Hawaii Fire Fighters Association — The Hawai‘i Fire Fighters Association, representing State and County fire fighters and paramedics on the Island of Hawaii, and State and County fire fighters throughout the State is pleased to support Billy Kenoi for reelection as Mayor of the County of Hawai‘i.

During his four years as Chief Executive Officer in the toughest economic climate in the history of the County, Mayor Kenoi’s unwavering support for public safety has shown that he is the most qualified person to lead the County of Hawai‘i.

“Mayor Kenoi is committed to ensuring quality public safety services for Big Island residents and is dedicated to all of the residents and visitors on the Island of Hawai‘i,” said HFFA President Bobby Lee.

During his tenure, Mayor Kenoi has supported federal grant awards to the County’s fire service which resulted in more than $800,000 to upgrade fire equipment, including personal protective gear to help keep our fire fighters safe. The construction of the new Makalei station also was supported by Mayor Kenoi and with his help, the county received approximately $4 million in federal assistance. With these upgrades to the fire service, the public safety on Hawaii has been enhanced.

“HFFA has worked with Billy as Mayor and as Executive Assistant for Mayor Kim. He’s straight forward, honest and keeps his word,” said HFFA Hawai’i Division Chair Darren “Cuz” Shimaoka.

“When everyone else is running out, our fire fighters and paramedics are running in. They are on the front line carrying out the primary responsibility of county government — maintaining a safe and healthy community for all our families. I am honored by this endorsement,” Mayor Kenoi said.

The Hawai‘i Fire Fighters Association is pleased to endorse Billy Kenoi for reelection as Mayor of the County of Hawai‘i and we ask our members, families and friends to join us.

