Hawaii Health Department Weighing Rates for Recycling HI-5 Containers

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HONOLULU — The Hawaii State Department of Health’s Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch is announcing updated rates for Hawaii Deposit Beverage Container redemptions by weight under Hawaii Revised Statutes, Chapter 342G, Part VIII.

Weight rates for segregated containers

Certified redemption centers may weigh loads of empty deposit beverage containers and pay out deposits based on weight rates by material type. Consumers may request hand counts of container loads of two hundred (200) or less.  The loads must be segregated by material type and only contain beverage containers labeled with the HI 5¢ deposit value.  The segregated rates are as follows:

The new rates beginning December 1, 2010:

The new rates are based on a September 2010 survey and are effective beginning December 1, 2010. These rates will be in effect until further notice is provided.  For more information contact the Department of Health at (808) 586-4226 or visit www.hi5deposit.com.

Submitted by DOH

