Hawaii Island’s Kailua Park Vandalized with Super Glue and Human Waste

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Kailua Park, also known as the Old Kona Airport Park, was vandalized Monday night or Tuesday morning, according to Bob Fitzgerald, director of the Hawaii County Department of Parks and Recreation.

Fitzgerald said the locks on gates were filled with cyanoacrylate, also known as “super glue,” concrete and human waste was mixed and poured down a number of toilets near the beach pavilions and sprinkler heads were broken off at the Friends for Fitness walking track. Fitzgerald estimated damage at about $3,000, although it could have been much more expensive if the concrete had time to cure and harden.

Parks maintenance officials said a group of people was ordered to leave the park recently after some of them were seen intentionally tipping over trash cans. Fitzgerald said he does not know if the incidents are related but said the information has been passed onto police.

Fitzgerald asked that anyone seeing suspicious activity at Kailua Park or any other county facility call the police dispatch number at 935-3311.

Should anyone have information regarding this incident, call Police Sgt. Gary Souther at 326-4646, or CrimeStoppers at 329-8181 in Kona. Calls which lead to an arrest or conviction may be eligible for a reward of as much as $1,000. Crime Stoppers does not record calls or subscribe to caller ID.




  1. I have an idea : We catch these morons , we strip um down and squirt SuperGlue up their okoles and then stand them up in forms full of wet concrete for about 4 hours . Justice will be done ;^)

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