Hawaii Law Enforcement Coalition Seeks Public Support for Legislation

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Many of you have expressed your support of criminal law measures now
pending in the Legislature. If you wish to take action, now is a key time to do so.

A public hearing on the bills listed below will be held on Monday, March 1, at 9 am, before the Senate Committee on Judiciary and Hawaiian Affairs in conference room 229 at the State Capitol building. Your written testimony — even if brief — and your presence at the hearing can have a significant impact.


If you are able, please write and attend in support of any or all of these important bills:

*SB 2842 requiring child pornographers to register as sex offenders

*SB 2843 (“Megan’s law”) proposing a constitutional amendment to give the public access to information on registered sex offenders and persons convicted of certain crimes against children.

*SB 2846 proposing a constitutional amendment to make a sexual assault victim’s prior sexual history, and a crime victim’s privileged confidential communications with his/her physician, psychologist or counselor, inadmissible in court.

*SB 2847 proposing a constitutional amendment to permit witnesses, including criminal defendants, to be impeached with evidence of prior felony convictions and convictions involving dishonesty.

*SB 2848 relating to bribery of public officials.

Instructions on submitting testimony are available at

”’Bridget Palmer Holthus is a Special Assistant to the Attorney General and can be reached via email at mailto:Bridget.P.Holthus@hawaii.gov”’

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