Hawaii Lawmakers Awarded $12,000 Pay Hike

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Photo: Emily Metcalf

How much is your state legislator worth?

Fortunately for Hawaii’s lawmakers, it is the Salaries Commission and not the public that makes that decision.

Currently, Hawaii legislators receive $46,273 per year for their part-time position at the legislature.  But that is about to increase by $10,000.

As of July 1, legislators’ salaries will rise to $55,896. On January 1, 2014, lawmakers will receive another $2,000 pay hike.

With the pay increase, their office allowance also automatically increases from $10,000 to about $12,000.

The actual legislative session runs from mid-January until early-May each year. But lawmakers maintain their offices and staff year round, and do attend hearings when the legislative session is technically over for the year.

In the past, legislators used to take flack for giving themselves pay increases – that is until they established a salary commission that would give them automatic increases out of public scrutiny.

Hawaii’s governor Neil Abercrombie makes about $117,000 annually.




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