Hawaii Legislative Informational Briefing on Climate Change

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HONOLULU, HAWAII – January 17, 2012 – The Senate Committee on Energy and Environment and the House Committee on Energy and Environmental Protection will be holding a joint informational briefing on climate change and its impact on Hawai‘i today at 1 p.m. in the State Capitol’s room 325.

The following departments have been invited to provide information:  UH School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, UH Center for Island Climate Adaptation and Policy, NOAA Climate Services Division and State Office of Planning.

“Climate change affects our environment, our native species, our infrastructure and our very way of life.  It’s crucial for us to learn the scope and ramifications of climate change in the foreseeable future so that we can plan to reduce and mitigate the resulting impacts,” said Senate Committee on Energy and Environment Chair Mike Gabbard.

No public testimony will be accepted. For more information, contact Senator Gabbard’s office at 586-6830.

