Hawaii Monthly Energy Trend Data Released for July 2011

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Graphic by Emily Metcalf

The July 2011 Monthly Energy Trend Data are just released by the state Department of Business Economic Development and Tourism.

Following are highlights:

1. Crude oil price at the New York Mercantile Exchange averaged $97.34 per barrel in July 2011 which was 27.4% higher compared to the same month last year. Crude oil price increased $1.05 per barrel or 1.1% from June 2011. Year-to-date through July, crude oil prices increased 25.7% over the same period last year.
2. In May 2011 import of foreign crude oil totaled 3.8 million barrels or up 0.8% compared to the same month a year ago. Year-to-date through May crude oil imports from foreign sources decreased 9.2% from the same period last year. Year-to-date foreign imports of jet fuel kero totaled 1,224 thousand barrels or a decrease of 20.1% from the same period last year.

3. In July 2011, the national average price for regular gasoline was $3.654 per gallon, which represented a 34.0% increase from the same month a year ago and a decrease of 0.43% from the previous month June 2011. Hawaii’s July 2011 price for regular gasoline averaged $4.063, which was about $0.409 or 11.2% higher than the national average for the same month. Hawaii’s July 2011 price for regular gasoline increased $0.016 or 0.4% from June 2011. Among the prices of regular gasoline for Honolulu, Wailuku, and Hilo, as reported by the American Automobile Association, Wailuku had the highest average price at $4.381 and decreased $0.052 or 1.2% from the previous month (June 2011). The average price of regular gasoline for Honolulu was $3.961 which increased of $0.026 or 0.7% from June 2011. Hilo’s average price of regular gasoline was $4.052 and represented an increase of $0.063 or 1.6% from June 2011.

4. In July 2011, the national average price for diesel was $3.933 per gallon, which was an increase of 33.1% from the same month a year ago and a decrease of 0.9% from June 2011. In Hawaii, the average price for diesel in July 2011 was $4.727 which was $0.794 or 20.2% higher than the national average. In July 2011, Wailuku had the highest average price of diesel, at $4.863, among Hawaii’s market, which represented a decrease of $0.054 or 1.1% from the previous month. The average diesel price for Hilo was $4.848, which was a decrease of $0.061 or 1.2% from June 2011. Honolulu’s average price for diesel was $4.632 which was a decrease of $0.028 or 0.6% from the previous month.

5. Hawaii’s statewide demand for gasoline, as measured by the gasoline tax base, increased 56.9% in May 2011 from the same month a year ago. A total of 30.4 million gallons of gasoline was distributed in May 2011, of which 62.2% was distributed to the City and County of Honolulu, 13.6% to Maui County, 17.9% to Hawaii County; and 6.1% to Kauai County. Year-to-date, the Department of Taxation data showed that fuel distributors shipped 196.2 million gallons of gasoline, representing an increase of 28.9% from the same period last year.

6. Hawaii’s May 2011 demand for diesel, highway use, as measured by the diesel oil tax base, was 3.5 million gallons, representing an increase of 49.6% compared to the same period a year ago. Year-to-date, Hawaii’s demand for diesel, highway use, totaled 22.0 million gallons or a 5.1% increase from the same period a year ago.

7. In May 2011, the Department of Taxation showed aviation fuel decreased 28.6% from the same month a year ago statewide. The 7.8 million gallons of aviation fuel distributed in May 2011 were shipped to the various counties as follows: City and County of Honolulu, 27.4%; Maui County, 42.7%; Hawaii County, 10.9%; and Kauai County, 19.0%. Year-to-date, the amount of aviation fuel distributed totaled 93.2 million gallons or a 40.8% increase compared to the same period a year ago.

8. As of July 2011, there were 949,989 registered taxable gasoline passenger vehicles in the state, 4.0% increase from the same period last year (July 2010). There were 10,085 registered passenger hybrid vehicles, accounted for 1.04% of the total 968,948 registered passenger vehicles in July 2011, and represented an increase of 70 vehicles or 0.7% from June 2011. There were 21,553 registered taxable diesel freight vehicles, 0.1% decrease from the same period last year. The number of hybrid freight vehicles totaled 63 in July 2011. There were 357 registered taxable electric passenger vehicles or an increase of 115.1% from July 2010. The number of registered taxable electric passenger vehicles increased by 18 or 5.3% from June 2011.

9. In June 2011, Kauai Island Utility Cooperative (KIUC) generated 35.0 MWh of electricity or a decrease of 6.8% compared to June 2010. During the same period, electricity generated by steam increased 49.0%, while that generated by diesel decreased by 10.5%. Electricity generated by KIUC’s hydro sources increased 45.7%. Electricity purchased from independent power producers (IPPs) increased 46.5% from the same period last year. The electricity purchased from the IPPs represented about 9.1% of the electricity sent to the system in June 2011. Year-to-date (January through June 2011), KIUC generated 210.9 MWh of electricity, an increase of 0.3% from the same period a year ago. Year-to-date purchase of electricity from the IPPS was 18.9 MWh, an increase of 25.9% from the same period in 2010. Year-to-date electricity generated by hydro by KIUC was down 0.4% from last year.

10. The average cost per barrel of diesel oil consumed by Kauai Island Utility Cooperative (KIUC) in June 2011 was $137.02, up 37.3% from the average cost a year ago. The total diesel oil consumption in June 2011 was 59,300 barrels, down 6.2% when compared to the consumption in June 2010. The cost of diesel oil per kWh of electricity generated in June 2011 was $0.257, up 44.0% compared to the same month a year ago. In comparison to the previous month (May), the total diesel oil consumed in June decreased 1,461 barrels or 2.4%. Year-to-date (January through June 2011), volume of diesel oil consumption was up by 1.1%, while the total cost of diesel oil consumed was up 29.8% compared to the same period a year ago. The year-to-date average cost of diesel oil per kWh generated was $0.221, an increase of 32.6% from the same period a year ago.

To see or download the data, you can go to the following link:


