Hawai’i Republican Party Responds to Democrats’ Closed Primary Suit

David Chang candidate for House 28
GOP CHAIR DAVID CHANG: Abercrombie is politicizing the issue when other needs should take more precedence.
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David Chang candidate for House 28
David Chang, chairman, Hawaii Republican Party

BY DAVID CHANG –  The Hawai’i Democratic Party has filed a lawsuit challenging Hawaii’s open Primary Election.

The Hawai’i Democratic Party is fully within its rights under the U.S. Constitution to choose a closed Primary system.

By an overwhelming vote of the delegates at our 2011 convention, the Hawai’i Republican Party has chosen to exercise our right to retain our open primary system even as the Democrats close theirs.

We invite the participation of Republicans, Independents, and dissatisfied Democrats in the Hawaii Republican Party’s open primaries to provide voters in every district with a community-focused General Election alternative that reflects the values of the majority of Hawaii’s voters.

In contrast, the Democrats seek to limit who may participate in selection of their candidates to protect the interests of their party bosses, machine politics, and their far left base.

David Chang is the Hawai’i Republican Party Chairman




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