Hawaii Residents Facing an Unprecedented Number of Tax Increases Proposed by Legislature, Mayor-How to Send Hawaii Lawmakers a Message – No New Taxes

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The Democrats in the state Legislature and Honolulu Mayor Jeremy Harris are proposing to raise taxes on a variety of fronts.

This when Hawaii taxpayers already pay the fourth highest taxes in the nation, and the economy and businesses continue to suffer under the state’s and city’s repressive tax and spend policies.

Here are some of the tax proposals still alive and likely to pass unless there is tremendous public outcry, and what those opposed can do about it.

”Some of the proposals still alive in the Hawaii state Legislature:”

*The state Senate passed a measure to increase the general excise tax by 12.5 percent, from 4 percent to 4.5 percent, and now the measure is before the state House. The House leadership says the measure will not pass, but those who know how the Legislature operates say no issue is dead until the close of the Legislative session at midnight, May 1, 2003.

*The state House proposed a measure to allow the Honolulu county to impose an additional sales tax of an undetermined amount. Gov. Linda Lingle has said she will approve the bill. Opponents say the city already has taxing powers on property and substantial revenue from fees charged for services and vehicles, and that the city should not be given additional taxing powers because the mayor has not been responsible with the money he already has.

*House and Senate Democrats say they want to pass a $10 per person per month tax on everyone from ages 25 to 99 to create a state-subsidized long-term health-care fund to care for the aging population in Hawaii. Opponents say the “progressive tax,” which increases by an undetermined amount every year, will not work because there will not be enough money to pay for the long-term care of the people who are forced to pay into it. They say it is better for the community if people are given tax credits and other benefits for investing in their own long-term care private options, and let the truly poor rely on the state and federal government should they need long-term care.

*The House and Senate are proposing an increase in the state’s conveyance tax.

Click here “Representatives at a Glance” and “Senators at a Glance” to get the list of all state Legislators and their contact information. Or send your name, address, phone number and no new taxes in Hawaii letter to HawaiiReporter.com at tips@HawaiiReporter.com and we will forward the information to Hawaii’s lawmakers.

Click here to get to the governor’s Web site at: https://www.hawaii.gov/gov/

Or to contact ”Gov. Linda Lingle:”

Please address correspondence to: Honorable Governor Linda Lingle, Executive Chambers, State Capitol, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96813

*Phone: (808) 586-0034
*Fax: (808) 586-0006
*Email: mailto:gov@hawaii.gov

”Mayor Proposes Property Tax Increase, City Fees Already Skyrocketing”

The City & County of Honolulu is proposing another property tax increase. This when the public and the Honolulu City Council Budget Committee have grave concerns about how the mayor has spent the money he already has collected from extensive taxes and fees imposed on the public, including Hawaii’s property owners and visitors.

If you want to send a group “no new taxes” message to Honolulu City & County officials, including the mayor and the city council members, send us your name, address and email, and we will forward all of the collective names to the city and county.

For the mayor’s Web site, go to: https://www.co.honolulu.hi.us/mayor/index1.htm

Write to ”Mayor Jeremy Harris” at:

Mayor Jeremy Harris, Honolulu Hale, 530 S. King St., Honolulu, HI 96813

*Phone: (808) 523-4141
*Fax: (808) 527-5552
*Email: mailto:mayor@co.honolulu.hi.us

For the City Council, click on the emails below and send these elected officials a “no new tax” letter, fax it to them, or call them directly.

”City Council Member Mike Gabbard, District 1”

*Phone:(808) 547-7001
*Fax:(808) 523-4220
*Email: mailto:mgabbard@co.honolulu.hi.us

”City Council Member Donovan M. Dela Cruz,”

”District 2”

*Phone: (808) 547-7002
*Fax: (808) 523-4220
*Email: mailto:dmdelacruz@co.honolulu.hi.us

”City Council Member Barbara Marshall, District 3”

*Phone: (808) 547-7003
*Fax: (808) 523-4220
*Email: mailto:bmarshall@co.honolulu.hi.us

”City Council Member Charles K. Djou, District 4”

*Phone: (808) 547-7004
*Fax: (808) 523-4220
*Email: mailto:cdjou@co.honolulu.hi.us

”City Council Member Ann H. Kobayashi, District 5”

*Phone: (808) 547-7005
*Fax: (808) 523-4220
*Email: mailto:akobayashi@co.honolulu.hi.us

”City Council Member Rod Tam, District 6”

*Phone: (808) 547-7006
*Fax: (808) 523-4220
*Email: mailto:rtam@co.honolulu.hi.us

”City Council Member Romy M. Cachola, District 7”

*Phone: (808) 547-7007
*Fax: (808) 523-4220
*Email: mailto:rcachola@co.honolulu.hi.us

”City Council Member Gary H. Okino, District 8”

*Phone: (808) 547-7008
*Fax: (808) 523-4220
*Email: mailto:gokino@co.honolulu.hi.us

”City Council Member Nestor R. Garcia, District 9”

*Phone: (808) 547-7009
*Fax: (808) 523-4220
*Email: mailto:ngarcia@co.honolulu.hi.us

