Hawaii Right to Life Congratulates Pro-Life Primary Election Candidates

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Honolulu, HI -Hawaii Right Life extends its heartfelt congratulations to the dozens of pro-life candidates who participated in the primary election on September 18 and pledges to continue the effort to elect men and women who will respect life through our laws.

Executive Director Janet Grace commented, “Regardless of the outcome of the various races, all of Hawaii’s pro-life candidates are heroes to those of us who respect the sanctity of human life.”

Grace went on to say, “Hawaii Right to Life PAC is hopeful that Hawaii’s people will unite in the truth that all innocent human life has inestimable worth. The only way this will happen is when we exercise our privilege to vote for candidates with uncompromising values. This is where true change for Hawaii’s people will take place–at the polling booths, when we vote ‘yes’ for a culture of life for the future of this great state.”

Hawaii Right to Life is a non-profit organization that advances respect for life for all people, from conception to natural death. Founded in 1973, Hawaii Right to Life is the state affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee.

Contact: Janet Grace, Executive Director, Hawaii Right to Life

