Hawaii's Legislature Looks to France for Universal Preschool Model

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Bonjour, mon enfant. Comment allez-vous?

Frightening, but true: the Hawaii state Legislature is now advancing bills that would require the Department of Education to provide universal preschool at its campuses, despite research showing that the current flexible system of private preschool providers across the country yields better results than the government universal preschool systems in France, England and Spain.

”’Assessing Proposals for Preschool and Kindergarten: Essential Information for Parents, Taxpayers and Policymakers”’, a new report from the Goldwater Institute, provides a comprehensive analysis of early education research, including Perry Preschool, Abecedarian, Head Start and Reading First programs.

While enrollment of 4-year-olds has increased from 16 percent to 66 percent nationally since 1965, test scores have remained flat. Fourth grade U.S. children rate as “A” when compared on international scale, but by 12th grade, American students drop to a “D.”

Conclusion: The current early education system where parents choose their children

