Hawaii’s Local Banks Pull Together to Help Small Business Owners

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HONOLULU, HI — Asking for money can be a delicate matter.
Your credit and character are always at issue. But when opportunities
arise, are you cash-ready? If you had the money, could you start a small
business? Maybe your existing business needs money to expand. Believe it
or not, no one wants to see you fail.

The Hawaii Women s Business Center (HWBC) is hosting a special loan fair
for small and start-up business owners to explore their options for
project financing. Business Loan Officers from First Hawaiian Bank,
Central Pacific Bank, and Pacific Rim Bank have agreed to work with the
Hawaii Women s Business Center, and help businesses take advantage of
federal lending programs that may provide funding for a myriad of

The lenders will be featuring U.S. Small Business Administration loan
products that guaranty up to eighty-five percent of each loan. With this
reduction in lender risk, banks can make loans that they might otherwise
decline. In June, the SBA launched a Patriot Express Loan Program that
makes Veterans, Service Disabled Veterans, Reservists, National Guard
members, and their spouses or widows eligible for a remarkable loan
program with maximum guarantees and minimal processing requirements. SBA
claims local lenders have already expressed interest in the program and
are anxious to make these loans.

The Bucks Start Here  will be held at the Honolulu Design Center, 1250
Kapiolani Blvd on Wednesday, August 22 from 9:00 am to 12:00 Noon. There
will be a brief workshop from 9:00 to 10:00 and one-on-one meetings with
lenders and staff from 10:00 to Noon. Although walk-in clients are
welcomed, the HWBC recommends scheduling meetings in advance. Call
526-1001 or email at mailto:hwbcadmin@hwbc.org to

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