Hawaii’s Most Unwanted -Here are the Scoundrels in the Hawaii State Legislature who Made Hawaii the First State to Impose Gas Caps, Increased What Consumers Pay for Gasoline By Messing with the Free Market, and Made the State the Laughing Stock of the Nation

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”’Hawaii’s Gas Cap Law goes into effect Sept. 1, 2005, and will actually increase prices that consumers pay at the pump by an estimated 20 to 30 cents a gallon. Here are the lawmakers who voted for the 2002 law (revised in 2004), which caps the wholesale price of gasoline, and ties the cap to three markets in the U.S. mainland. Note: some legislators voted no for the original bill, but yes for the 2004 amended bill. Sen. Paul Whalen was a member of the state House when he voted yes for the 2002 bill, but is now a member of the state Senate and was excused for the 2004 vote. Other legislators are now in the U.S. Congress, the Honolulu City Council or out of office all together, but are shown here as legislators for purposes of this list.”’

”’To see the status of the Gas Cap bill SB2179 SD2 HD1 CD2 from the Hawaii State Legislature 2002 Legislative Session, go to:”’ https://tinyurl.com/7kjue

”’To see the status of the amended Gas Cap bill SB3193 SD2 HD2 CD1 from the Hawaii State Legislature 2004 Legislative Session, go to:”’ https://tinyurl.com/byrns

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