Hawaii's Transportation and Planning Issues Debated at Wednesday's National Defense Transportation Association

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Those with a serious interest in Oahu’s transportation problems should consider this event sponsored by the NATIONAL DEFENSE TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION next week Wednesday, May 19, 8:30 AM at the Pearl Country Club. Lunch is at noon and adjourn at 1:30 PM. It is all part of the NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION WEEK Forum.


Keynote Address: MOBILITY FIRST! DR. DAVID CALLIES is Hawaii’s preeminent expert on Land Use & Development laws. This is a rare opportunity to find out his take on the forum’s morning panel topic.

Dr. Callies has a fascinating background in legal practice, teaching and writing. He has authored seventeen books including Bargaining for Development: A Handbook on Development Agreements, Annexation Agreements, Land Development Conditions and Vested Rights, 2003, Preserving Paradise: Why Regulation Won’t Work, 1994, Regulating Paradise: Land Use Controls in Hawaii, 1984. Callies is updating his book on Hawaii land use law. https://www.law.hawaii.edu/personnel/callies/david

DR. SAMUEL STALEY brings an international perspective on land use, urban growth and transportation policy. He is the author of Mobility First: A New Vision for Transportation in a Globally Competitive 21st Century (2009) and has spent the past three years on transportation policy projects in China. https://reason.org/staff/show/706.html

The other two distinguished morning panelists are: KIONI DUDLEY, Ph.D. who will discuss the Ho�opili situation and Professor PANOS D. PREVEDOUROS, PhD., to discuss transportation & disaster resilience for Oahu. https://www.cee.hawaii.edu/persons/prevedouros/prevedouros.htm

DR. STALEY will be the luncheon keynote speaker on MOBILITY.

$30 FEE if you register before 5 pm Monday 5/17 Send reservation to: Yvonne Frazier at yvonne.frazier@hickam.af.mil

