Health innovations prevail at 2014 UH Business Plan Competition

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UH logoThe Pacific Asian Center for Entrepreneurship (PACE) announced the winners of the 2014 UH Business Plan Competition at the Waialae Country Club on April 24. Three teams competed for prize packages totaling more than $50,000 in cash and in-kind awards. All three finalist teams presented strong business ideas for their innovations in the field of health. The results are:

FIRST PLACE – MiWa Technologies developed a novel non-invasive radio-frequency sensor for continuous monitoring of multiple vital signs, including unique measurement of changes in lung water content. Prize package includes $10,000 cash and $17,500 value in accounting, legal and marketing services.

SECOND PLACE – CyThera Pharmaceuticals is a biotech company that repositions FDA-approved drugs for new disease indications in cancer, stroke and autoimmune disorders. Prize package includes $5,000 cash and $11,000 value in accounting, legal and marketing services.

THIRD PLACE – Med-e-Bed offered a design for an adjustable bed technology for Neonatal ICU-use that provides a safe and easy-to-use method to reposition the neonate, while reducing stress for both medical personnel and patient. Prize package includes $2,500 cash and $4,500 value in accounting, legal and marketing services.

The Pacific Asian Center for Entrepreneurship (PACE) is the home for an integrated set of entrepreneurship programs at the University of Hawai‘i. Based in the Shidler College of Business, PACE is dedicated to fostering the entrepreneurial spirit among all members of our community. For more information, visit

The UH Business Plan Competition is administered by PACE. It is an intense, experiential program that provides mentorship, training and resources to University of Hawai‘i students who seek to start a business venture. For more information, visit

