Home Listing Report: Hawaii Is Most Expensive State, Kailua as 20th Most Expensive Market in Country

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The Coldwell Banker Home Listing Report was released today, ranking approximately 2,000 markets across the country based on the average listing price of four-bedroom, two-bathroom homes, including Hawaii. Overall, Hawaii ranked as the most expensive state in the country, with an average home price of $722,964.

Here is a summary of the Hawaii markets ranked in the Home Listing Report:

This year’s report identified 20 markets where a four-bedroom, two-bathroom home costs more than $1 million, whereas in eight markets a similar home lists for less than $100,000.

The average listing price of a four-bedroom, two-bathroom home in the survey of more than 1,900 markets and 52,000 listings was $301,414.

California holds 13 of the top 25 spots for the most expensive markets in the U.S. In contrast, 60 percent (15) of the 25 most affordable markets are in the Midwest.






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