Honored to Serve on the Board of Governors at East-West Center

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BY RICH TURBIN AND RAI SAINT CHU – Unbelievable! It has been many months since the election of November 2, 2011. Despite our disappointment, Rai and I are deeply gratified by many of you who devoted your time, resources, love and aloha to our quest to bring smarter and better government to the City and County of Honolulu. Since the election hundreds of people have approached me in the streets, malls, restaurants, Costco, Safeway and everywhere it seems, to tell me how sad they were that we did not win the election and urging me to try again. We received 17,000 votes and lost by a very few percentage points.

We all share the hope that the new City Council will intelligently and creatively address the fiscal, infrastructure, and energy crisis our City is facing. Wise decisions are so crucial for the future welfare and health of our City. Our children and grand children deserve a government that is resourceful, responsible and responsive to the needs of its citizens. We must all participate in our political system. I continue a “take charge” role in the Waialae-Kahala Neighborhood Board as I have done for thirty years. I feel compelled to continue its work, as the quality of life of Kahala and East Oahu is in a precarious state!

It is an honor that Governor Neil Abercrombie appointed me to the Board of Governors of the East-West Center, which has a crucial role in the growing political, economic, social and educational ties, binding the United States and the vibrant nations of Asia, particularly at this time of economic boom in Asia and political challenges around the world. Of their 57,000 graduates, many political and economic leaders in Asia and the U.S. are graduates of the East-West Center, who will play an important role with the APEC Conference in Hawaii in November, 2011 when Presidents, Prime Ministers and Foreign Ministers from over 20 APEC nations will gather in Honolulu. President Obama’s parents met as East-West Center grantees and married while studying there. The East-West Center played a role in creating the 44th President of the United States! I will contribute in my capacity to advance the future health and vitality of our economy and our political system.

Along with our community activities, Rai and I are both working hard in our law firm, Turbin Chu. We strive to bring quality legal services to our clients, which is satisfying and intellectually stimulating. We are traveling a bit. In the Spring, we visited our son Derek, a 2nd year student at University of San Francisco Law School and then skied in Montana with our loyal campaign co-chair Rick Fried and his wife, Susie. We also enjoyed a wonderful dinner with our other loyal campaign chair, Dr. Tom Kosasa and his wife, Mi. Recently, we visited our daughter Laurel, who just passed her comprehensives while working on her PhD in the field of Human Geography at the City University of New York Graduate Center. We attended my College Reunion at Cornell University.

Our life continues to be fulfilling, thanks to the loyalty, support and aloha from our friends like all of you. We will stay in touch.

With fondest aloha,

Rich Turbin and Rai Saint Chu

