House Committee on Human Services to Hold Hearing on Measure Relating to Parental Rights

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BY REP. JOHN MIZUNO – The House Human Services committee will hold a hearing on HCR179/HR155 to affirm the parental rights amendment to the United States Constitution and urging members of the United States Congress to propose the amendment to the states for ratification.

Some of the best pieces of legislation are not written by lawmakers, but rather by the community.

Here, we have students from Generation Joshua who worked diligently to craft language for HCR179/HR155 to strongly support parental rights and seek an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

This is substantial step forward for Hawaii’s youth and I am honored to hold a hearing on their measure.  I believe the youth of today will be our future for tomorrow, therefore it is extremely important to allow our youth to not only strive for greatness, but allow them an opportunity to achieve greatness.  On Monday, I look for greatness and a lot of heart as these fine youth present their testimony for their measure.”

The hearing will consider whether to pass HCR179/HR155 and:

• Identify and address reasons for a Parental Rights Amendment

• Explain the adverse effects of a society without Parental Rights

• Explain concerns of Children Rights without the balancing of Parental Rights (right of association, right of use of the internet & cellular phones, etc.)

• Seek passage of HCR179/HR155

The hearing will be held Monday, March 28, 2011 – 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Hawaii Standard Time (Televised in Hawaii on Ch. 54, – click for Ch. 54 for online live stream) at the Hawaii State Capitol, Room 329.

After watching news footage of Hawaii students getting beaten by other students (school bullying) and after watching news of predators seeking to lure youth via internet chat rooms; The students from Generation Joshua proposed a Parental Rights measure to confirm that parents are the foundation and that the family shall be considered the fundamental unit of society.  The preamble to the State of Hawaii Constitution proclaims that the State of Hawaii is dedicated to the fulfillment of it’s motto, “Ua mau ke ea o ka aina I ka pono,” meaning the life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.

I find it rare that our youth step up and propose such a bold amendment to the U.S. Congress no less, however I support them on such an effort because I believe that the rights of parents contributes to better awareness of the dangerous problems affecting families today.


Rep. John Mizuno is a Democrat who chairs the House Human Services Committee

