House Democrats Kill Education Reform

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The House Republican caucus reacted angrily [Friday] night to Democrats’ sudden strangling of Gov. Linda Lingle’s education reform proposals.

How can Democrats vote for reform one day with the governor sitting in front of them, and kill the reform the next day when she is gone? These Democrat leaders just don’t treat education reform seriously.

The governor formed her Citizens Achieving Reform in Education (CARE) group following an election campaign about fixing education, and after hearing overwhelming public outcry for real education reform.

Has she done all this to see reform smashed on the House floor? Not likely.

House Democrats seemed determined to protect the Department of Education from any serious effort to send power to local schools.

It’s war, and these folks at the top defend their castle with everything they’ve got. Unfortunately, it’s the students in the schools who lose when the big guys downtown hang on to power.

”’Republican Galen Fox is the House Minority Leader and Representative for the district of Waikiki.”’

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