House Finance Committee Passes HB2200

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HONOLULU, HAWAII – The House Finance Committee today passed HB2200 House Draft 1, the State budget bill, that proposes funding levels for all state programs and departments in the Executive branch.

The legislature is in the supplemental, or second, budget year of the biennium for fiscal years 2010 and 2011. The total general fund budget for fiscal year 2011, as outlined in this bill, is $4.8 billion.

Key points of the bill include the following budget reductions and restorations, as measured against the Governor’s budget submittal to the Legislature in December 2009:

”Key budget reductions”

*Purchase of service contracts:
*Department of Education – $45,441,773
*Department of Human Services – $18,521,400
*Department of Health – $30,904,188

