House Leadership Team and Committee Chairs Announced for 26th Legislature (2011-2012)

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House Speaker Calvin Say - Photo courtesy of House Majority Blog

BY THELMA DREYER – Speaker of the House Calvin Say today announced the House of Representatives leadership team and the Committee chairmanships for the 26th Legislature.  They are:

House Leadership Team

Speaker:  Calvin K.Y. Say (District 20 – St. Louis Heights, Palolo Valley, Maunalani Heights, Wilhelmina Rise, Kaimuki)

Vice Speaker:    Joey Manahan (District 29 – Sand Island, Mokauea, Kalihi Kai, Kapalama)

Majority Leader:  Blake Oshiro (District 33 – Aiea, Halawa Valley, Halawa Heights, Aiea Heights)

Majority Floor Leader:  Cindy Evans (District 7 – North Kona, South Kohala)

Majority Whips:  Mele Carroll (District 13 – Kahoolawe, Molokini, Lanai, Molokai, Keanae, Wailua, Nahiku, Hana); Pono Chong (District 49 – Maunawili, Olomana, Enchanted Lake, Kaneohe); Ken Ito (District 48 – Heeia, Haiku Valley, Kapunahala, Kaneohe); John Mizuno (District 30 – Kamehameha Heights, Kalihi Valley, Fort Shafter); James Kunane Tokioka (District 15 – Wailua Homesteads, Hanamaulu, Lihue, Puhi, Portion of Old Koloa Town, Omau)

Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs

Chair: Clift Tsuji                 Vice Chair: Mark Hashem

Consumer Protection and Commerce
Chair: Robert Herkes                      Vice Chair: Ryan Yamane

Culture and the Arts
Chair: Jessica Wooley                     Vice Chair: Della Au Belatti

Economic Revitalization and Business
Chair: Angus McKelvey  Vice Chair: Isaac Choy

Chair: Roy Takumi                            Vice Chair: Della Au Belatti

Energy and Environmental Protection
Chair: Hermina Morita   Vice Chair: Denny Coffman

Chair: Marcus Oshiro                      Vice Chair: Marilyn Lee

Hawaiian Affairs
Chair: Faye Hanohano                    Vice Chair: Chris Lee

Chair: Ryan Yamane                        Vice Chair: Dee Morikawa

Higher Education
Chair: Scott Nishimoto   Vice Chair: Mark Nakashima

Chair: Rida Cabanilla                        Vice Chair: Pono Chong

Human Services
Chair: John Mizuno                         Vice Chair: Jo Jordan

International Affairs
Chair: Karen Awana                        Vice Chair: Mark Hashem

Chair: Gilbert Keith-Agaran          Vice Chair: Karl Rhoads

Labor and Public Employment
Chair: Karl Rhoads                            Vice Chair: Kyle Yamashita

Legislative Management
Chair: Kyle Yamashita                     Vice Chair: James Kunane Tokioka

Public Safety and Military Affairs
Chair: Henry Aquino                       Vice Chair: Ty Cullen

Chair: Tom Brower                          Vice Chair: James Kunane Tokioka

Chair: Joe Souki                                Vice Chair: Linda Ichiyama

Water, Land and Ocean Resources
Chair: Jerry Chang                            Vice Chair: Sharon Har




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