How Hawaii’s Congressional Members Voted – October 8, 2010

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In this MegaVote for Hawaii’s 2nd Congressional District:


Recent Congressional Votes

  • Senate: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Reconciliation
  • Senate: Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
  • Senate: Education Jobs and Medicaid Assistance Act
  • Senate: Nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court
  • Senate: 2011 Defense Authorization, Cloture
  • House: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
  • House: Patrick Murphy of Pennsylvania Amendment; National Defense Authorization Act, FY2011
  • House: Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
  • House: Education Jobs and Medicaid Assistance Act

Editor’s Note: This is a special pre-election edition of MegaVote, featuring some of the most-asked-about votes of 2010. The House is in recess and is expected to reconvene Monday, Nov. 15. The Senate is in a series of pro forma sessions over the next month and is expected to also return Nov. 15.

Recent Senate Votes
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Reconciliation – Vote Passed (56-43, 1 Not Voting)

The Senate passed the final version of a bill to overhaul the nation’s health care system in March using a procedure known as reconciliation, which allows the Senate to bypass a filibuster with a simple majority. The bill mandates that individuals buy health insurance with exceptions for certain religious groups and those who cannot afford coverage. Those who do not buy insurance will be subject to a tax. Under the bill, beginning in 2014 insurance companies cannot deny coverage based on pre-existing medical conditions, and cannot drop coverage of people who become ill. In addition, a section of the bill makes the federal government the sole originator of student loans.

Sen. Daniel Inouye voted YES……send e-mail or see bio
Sen. Daniel Akaka voted YES……send e-mail or see bio

Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act – Vote Agreed to (60-39)

The Senate passed the final version of the financial regulation reform legislation in July. The bill creates new regulatory procedures to assess risks posed by large financial institutions and facilitate the orderly dissolution of failing firms that pose a threat to the economy. It will also create a new federal agency to oversee consumer financial products, bring the derivatives market under significant federal regulation and give shareholders and regulators greater say on executive pay.

Sen. Daniel Inouye voted YES……send e-mail or see bio
Sen. Daniel Akaka voted YES……send e-mail or see bio

Education Jobs and Medicaid Assistance Act – Vote Agreed to (61-39)

The Senate passed this bill in August to provide $16.1 billion to extend increased Medicaid assistance to states and $10 billion in funding for states to create or retain teachers’ jobs. The cost of the programs will be offset by changing foreign tax provisions, ending increased food stamp benefits beginning in April 2014 and rescinding previously enacted spending.

Sen. Daniel Inouye voted YES……send e-mail or see bio
Sen. Daniel Akaka voted YES……send e-mail or see bio

Nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court – Vote Confirmed (63-37)

The Senate confirmed Elena Kagan to be an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court in August. The former dean of Harvard Law School, Kagan had served as Obama’s solicitor general since March of 2009 and was the first woman to hold the position. She replaced Justice John Paul Stevens, who had been appointed by President Gerald Ford in 1975.

Sen. Daniel Inouye voted YES……send e-mail or see bio
Sen. Daniel Akaka voted YES……send e-mail or see bio

2011 Defense Authorization, Cloture – Vote Rejected (56-43, 1 Not Voting)

The Senate rejected this attempt to end debate on the 2011 Defense spending bill, which would authorize $725.7 billion in discretionary funding for defense programs. The bill would have also repealed a 1993 law that codified the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy banning military service by openly gay men and women.

Sen. Daniel Inouye voted YES……send e-mail or see bio
Sen. Daniel Akaka voted YES……send e-mail or see bio

Recent House Votes
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – Vote Passed (219-212)

In March, the House passed this bill, which would overhaul the nation’s health insurance system and require most individuals to buy health insurance by 2014.

Rep. Charles Djou voted no data……send e-mail or see bio

Rep. Mazie Hirono voted YES……send e-mail or see bio

Patrick Murphy of Pennsylvania Amendment; National Defense Authorization Act, FY2011 – Vote Agreed to (234-194, 10 Not Voting)

During the defense authorization bill debate in May, the House adopted this amendment that would repeal the “don’t ask, don’t tell” law that prohibits openly gay men and women from serving in the military.

Rep. Charles Djou voted YES……send e-mail or see bio

Rep. Mazie Hirono voted YES……send e-mail or see bio

Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act – Vote Passed (237-192, 4 Not Voting)

The House passed the final version of the financial regulation reform legislation in June.

Rep. Charles Djou voted NO……send e-mail or see bio

Rep. Mazie Hirono voted YES……send e-mail or see bio

Education Jobs and Medicaid Assistance Act – Vote Passed (247-161, 25 Not Voting)

In August, the House passed this bill to provide $16.1 billion to extend increased Medicaid assistance to states and $10 billion in funding for states to create or retain teachers’ jobs.

Rep. Charles Djou voted NO……send e-mail or see bio

Rep. Mazie Hirono voted YES……send e-mail or see bio





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