How to Spend $1 Trillion; Occupy Movement Aims to Disrupt Shipping Operations;Ed Case Takes on Hawaii Democrats’ Establishment Candidate; Task Force Focuses on Ending Homelessness in Hawaii

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Photo: Emily Metcalf

How to spend $1 trillion?

That is the question House and Senate appropriation members are grappling with before they finalize a compromise spending measure that details how federal agencies should spend nearly $1 trillion through September 30, 2012.

If Congress does not come to an agreement by Friday, the federal government will be faced for the fourth time this year with a shut down.

But Hawaii’s Senior Senator Daniel Inouye, head of Senate appropriations, told the Washington Post he is “confident” talks to fund the government past Friday’s deadline will conclude before the holiday recess.

Congress already decided in August to cap discretionary spending at just over $1 trillion for fiscal 2012. That is a 1.5 percent cut from the year prior.

The appropriation committee members are now charged with dividing the money.

Congress also will continue this week to debate the payroll tax cut, construction of the 1,700-mile pipeline from Canada to the Gulf Coast, unemployment benefit extensions, and avoiding substantial medical reimbursement rates cuts for doctors who accept Medicare.

Occupy Movement Aims to Disrupt Shipping Operations

The Occupy Wall Street movement is changing its focus from land to sea.

On Monday, the Occupy Movement in the West Coast has called for a so called “Port Shut Down” because “ports play a pivotal role in the flow and growth of capital for the 1% in this country and internationally.”

They are teaming up to disrupt shipping with the ILWU as well as Port truckers who want to unionize.

The Hawaii movement will join the West Coast members in their protest by occupying Sand Island piers on Monday just after 6 a.m.

No word on whether Hawaii occupiers plan to disrupt local shipping operations.

If so, Hawaii residents can expect a run on toilet paper and rice – the first two items to leave Hawaii shelves during shipping strikes and other disruptions.

Ed Case Takes on Hawaii Democrats’ Establishment Candidate

Former Hawaii Congressman Ed Case said he believes he is the only Democrat in the U.S. Senate race who can beat former Gov. Linda Lingle.

Case told Hawaii Reporter if Congresswoman Mazie Hirono wins the Democratic primary, she will lose the General Election to Lingle.

Case is stepping up his attacks on Hirono, the establishment candidate backed by U.S. Senator Daniel Inouye, after the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee endorsed Hirono last week.

Both Case and Hirono want to replace the retiring U.S. Sen. Daniel Akaka, D-Hawaii.

Task Force Focuses on Ending Homelessness in Hawaii

On Hawaii Reporter television today, we feature interviews with Marc Alexander, the governor’s coordinator on homelessness, Connie Mitchell, executive director for the Institute for Human Services and Darryl J, Vincent, US Veterans Initiative State Director on their plan to end homelessness and provide more affordable housing in Hawaii.

There also is information on how the public can get involved in helping Hawaii’s family’s in need.




  1. hmmmm one trillion or a gazillion… Oh come on people…
    I think he is the best thing for America in recent history… WONDERFUL!!! 4 more years and this country will be purged of a corrupt congress and senate because the people are gonna purge every politician out by civil war…. There will be unrest like never seen in America. Because now Americans believe that good is bad and bad is good. Once this country goes even further to hell in a hand basket there will be a purging… When Americans can’t say “Merry Christmas” because good is bad and once they can’t store more than seven days worth of food because good is bad and once they can’t own a gun because good is bad….. There will be a purging of the bad by the good!!!!! So lets pull together and re-elect this person…. OBAMA2012!!!!!

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