Vague Allegations of UH “Point Shaving” Referred to HPD

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Anonymous allegations of point shaving in the University of Hawaii football program have been referred  to the Honolulu Police Department, the University said this afternoon.

HPD said the information received was too vague to warrant an investigation.

“We’ve been hearing about this since the beginning of the month, but at this time there’s no investigation. There’s nothing to go on,” said one police official.

UH President M.R.C. Greenwood said in a news release that HPD was contacted after the Office of Admissions received an anonymous letter November 2 alleging “point shaving by unnamed football players of UH football games.”

“Recognizing the seriousness of these allegations, UH leadership acted promptly and responsibly by immediately alerting the Honolulu Police Department and providing the letter to them,” Greenwood said.

She and Board of Regents Chairman Eric Martinson “met personally with Chief Louis Kealoha to offer UH’s full cooperation with HPD’s inquiry,” Greenwood continued.

The National Collegiate Athletic Association has been notified and told UH it is “doing exactly what you need to be doing,” Greenwood said.



