Hugs Delivered: Audra’s Story

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Hugs DeliveredLocal Oahu grandmother, Laura Metz, received the opportunity of a lifetime when Huggies, the diaper brand owned by Kimberly-Clark, surprised her with a trip to see her daughter, Audra Boylston, in Palm Bay, Fla., where she was able to hug her 3-month-old granddaughter for the very first time.

“I’ve never gone this long without seeing my mom,” said Audra. “Before, she was just ten minutes down the road and now she’s not.”

Laura moved to Oahu with her husband following a military transfer. While she was present for the birth of Audra’s first two children, distance kept Laura from meeting her newest grandchild.

“Not being there for the baby’s birth, I did feel left out,” said Laura. “I know there’s so much excitement around a new birth and everything, and I was just sad to miss that.”

Laura and Audra’s story, found on the Huggies Facebook page, has struck a chord across the country and has already reached more than 3 million people with nearly 180,000 video plays. Their touching reunion is a part of the Hugs Delivered initiative that has included  bringing families together to celebrate babies first hugs to donating diapers to babies in need.

For every use of the #hugsdelivered hashtag, Huggies will donate diapers to the National Diaper Bank Network. Since 2010, Huggies has donated more than 110 million diapers to babies in need through the Every Little Bottom program.

To see the reunion, log onto Youtube here

