Hundreds Arrested, Rescued in FBI Prostitution Sweep

Ron Hosko, assistant director of the FBI's Criminal Investigative Division, right, speaks about "Operation Cross Country" during a news conference at FBI headquarters in Washington, July 29, 2013.
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Ron Hosko, assistant director of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division, right, speaks about “Operation Cross Country” during a news conference at FBI headquarters in Washington, July 29, 2013.

VOA News – The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation says it has rescued 105 sexually exploited children during a three-day nationwide sweep.

Operation Cross Country also resulted in the arrests of 150 pimps and other people involved in underage prostitution.

The enforcement action took place in 76 cities and was carried out with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies.

The assistant director of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division, Ron Hosko, said, “child prostitution remains a persistent threat to children across America.”

Operation Cross Country was the seventh and largest such enforcement operation to date as part of the FBI’s “Innocence Lost” national initiative. Since the initiative’s 2003 creation, more than 2,700 sexually exploited children have been identified and recovered.




  1. there are so many pedophile rings involving high government officials, diplomats from the highest levels of the white house (including past administrations) and state department,top executives of major corporations,and heads of universities and aid agencies.most of these rings operate out of southeast asia all the way to Beijing,china.nearly all the patrons involved have backgrounds in US intelligence,(CIA,NSA,military intelligence). the core facilitators are often priests with Jesuit order,and to alesser degree Franciscans,benedictines.these pererts also included a former us ambassador to the un.these clowns are actually all over the world,in the un,in nato,especially in Belgium,netherland,great Britain.they are judges,generals,members of congress.they are like roaches.they are businessmen,bankers.and they seem to be well protected.maybe we can get some more info from the whistleblower ed snowden with further wonder pres. Obama and justice dept. want him so badly.who is being blackmailed?

  2. How do you stop this? Everyone take responsibility, as it's written; "children who are most susceptible to sexual exploitation have a void in their lives. “That void might be related to family, food, or shelter, but it’s a void that needs to be filled, and pimps fill it.” And after they nurture their victims, they sexually exploit them. "

    Questions real locals should ask, why Gov. Abercrombie didn't want to participate in this to clean Waikiki up?

  3. one way to stop this pedophilia of participants who have positions in highest parts of government,including judges and top law enforcement officials as well as people in the top executive levels in the private sector is to have whistleblowers come forward and reveal the identities of these individuals.the people in these pedophile covens are protected.the FBI is actually useless in apprehending top level pedophiles and have actually"stood down" on arrests from investigations.ahd these sting operations like operation cross country are just window dressing.there is massive trafficking in children which is controlled by powerful people.they traffic in and sexually abuse children,not teenage runaways.

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