HONOLULU — Since the beginning of his campaign, State Senator David Ige has pledged that reforming the state’s education system, from early childhood through higher, would be a top priority if he is elected the next governor of Hawaii. He received early support from the Hawaii State Teachers Association because of his open and honest communication on his plans to improve public education in the midst of failures by both the current Board of Education and the individual who selected them—the incumbent governor.
In an open letter to HSTA members, Senator Ige cleared up any misinformation on his stance against the upcoming constitutional amendment to use public money for private preschool, stating, “I support early childhood education but I am opposed to the proposed constitutional amendment to allow public funds to be spent in private preschools. We should first successfully implement early education programs in our public schools before considering spreading our limited tax dollars to private preschools. The amendment asks voters to approve a preschool program with no details on how much it will cost and how the program will work.”
As governor, Senator Ige said he will appoint BOE members from diverse backgrounds who demonstrate a deep understanding and passion for education. He added that school administrators and teachers feel disempowered and that the state needs to move away from a top-down bureaucracy and increase funding that will empower and enable those closest to the students to make decisions on curriculum, programs and spending.
“The Board of Education, which is appointed by the Governor, has failed to provide effective leadership and I am very concerned about the results from a recent survey where administrators are in fear of retaliation for speaking up about education,” said Senator Ige. “This must change immediately. As your Governor, I will work with the Board to immediately place a hold on the components of the Educator Effectiveness System (EES) that educators have identified to be part of poor design and implementation, until we are able to re-assess and come up with a more responsible solution that builds morale, capacity, and professionalism.”
With nearly 30 years in the state Legislature, candidate for governor Senator David Ige has built a solid reputation as a thoughtful, honest and innovative legislator. He has been the chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means for the past four years, helping to shape and balance the state’s budget. Senator Ige has led a total of 10 House and Senate committees, including Higher Education, Education and Technology, Health, Hawaiian Affairs, Economic Development, Commerce, and Consumer Protection and Information Technology. This year he was named one of the 13 “tech-savviest” state legislators in the nation by Government Technology magazine. Senator Ige has been at the forefront of applying technology solutions and information technology in government and education. More information on Senator Ige and his candidacy are available at www.davidige.org.
I am happy to support David Ige against Neil Abercrombie in the primary election. Please see my detailed webpage "Why it's important to defeat Neil Abercrombie for a second term as Governor of Hawaii" at https://tinyurl.com/koeo5p2
The focus of this essay is on Abercrombie's long history of pushing the Akaka bill for federal recognition of a phony Hawaiian tribe, and his published personal views on the history of Hawaii which make it clear that he will continue to push for the partitioning of Hawaii along racial lines and/or the secession of Hawaii from the United States.
President Obama has two more years in office. Neil Abercrombie was a close friend and mentor to Obama during Obama's adolescence growing up in Honolulu at the same time Abercrombie was a radical activist. Obama publicly supported the Akaka bill on several occasions as Senator and as President. Bureaucrats in Obama's Department of Interior are currently working on using rule-making, or an Executive Order, to grant federal recognition to ethnic Hawaiians as an Indian tribe. If Abercrombie is elected to a second term lasting four more years, he will use his power as Governor and as friend of Obama to make sure federal recognition takes place during the first half of Abercrombie's second term, and then to use his power as Governor to hand over huge amounts of land, money, and jurisdictional authority to the newly created tribe.
The greatest threat to Hawaii is the ongoing effort to break apart the State of Hawaii along racial lines. See the 302-page book "Hawaiian Apartheid: Racial Separatism and Ethnic Nationalism in the Aloha State" https://tinyurl.com/2a9fqa
Today, 7/30/14, the governor and state senator traded verbal jabs at the forum in Kailua Kona. They argued about the cost of universal pre-school for four year olds, health care for the elderly and taxing pensions for seniors when the state was in a budget deficit several years ago.
Read more: https://www.kitv.com/news/abercrombie-ige-debate-i…
"The Board of Education, which is appointed by the Governor, has failed to provide effective leadership and I am very concerned about the results from a recent survey where administrators are in fear of retaliation for speaking up about education,”
Yet, Senator Ige said he will appoint BOE members to oversee early education? Why?
Well, it should be. As a tax payer, I want to see my taxes to go to neccesarily needs of the society, which was being educated. Knowledge should be the most notable concern. My own state chose to lower the investment in education. And that is really poor decisions that might have an effect on just about every colleges which were looking to preserve their rights as a human being.
Royal J. Willis
UN. Professor
Orem, UT 84058
Site: http://www.goproofreading.com
"I want to see my taxes to go to neccesarily needs of the society,…"
Seems safety is higher than education on HI. An Department of Education spokesperson says student safety is their main concern, but that schools cannot take responsibility for incidents that occur in the community."
More at; https://khon2.com/2015/04/23/police-investigate-af…
Politicians for all time say education is a priority because that is what the uneducated want to hear, not anything the politicians have done in the history has been effectual, so education still needs a lot of work. The reality is, the best thing for education would be for the politicians to become totally straightforward.
See More :https://www.aoneassignments.com/
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