International Association for the Protection of Civilian Arms Rights: Gun Publications are Not Pornographic

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BELLEVUE, WA – The International Association for the Protection of Civilian Arms Rights (IAPCAR) denounced a changed in policy by the British book store W.H. Smith to now treat hunting and self-defense publications featuring guns the same as pornography.

Even though youngsters under the new age requirement are permitted to hold a shotgun license, W.H. Smith’s new policy bans legitimate self-defense and hunting publications from young people under 14-years-old. The new policy also requires the purchaser show identification to purchase the magazines the same as they require for the purchase of pornography.

The new policy was backed by a group called Animal Aid, Britain’s largest “animal rights” organization. Among other beliefs, the group clams in one of its own reports that “lurid, pro-violence content” of  the country’s shooting sports magazines could have a “corrosive, long-lasting effect on impressionable young minds.”

IAPCAR executive director Philip Watson denounced the store’s policy.

“Clearly this store is allowing itself to be governed by a fringe group,” Watson said. “There is no legitimate proof that censorship like this will improve a youngster’s understanding of gun safety, or self-defense and hunting. In fact, I think it will probably have the opposite effect.”

“The fact that youngsters under the age requirement to purchase these publications are permitted to license a shotgun outlines the stupidity of this new rule,” Watson concluded.

“A parent has an obligation to educate their children about the use of firearms,” added IAPCAR Co-Founder Julianne Versnel. “As a mother and gun owner, I am offended that publications about self-defense, target shooting, or hunting are being treated as pornography.”

