ISIS is a cancer on the World

FILE - File still image from an undated video released by Islamic State militants on Aug. 19, 2014, purports to show journalist Steven Sotloff being held by the militant group.
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FILE - File still image from an undated video released by Islamic State militants on Aug. 19, 2014, purports to show journalist Steven Sotloff being held by the militant group.
FILE – File still image from an undated video released by Islamic State militants on Aug. 19, 2014, purports to show journalist Steven Sotloff being held by the militant group.

REPORT FROM CAM CAVASSO’S US SENATE CAMPAIGN – Today, ISIS/ISIL released a video of the beheading of another U.S. journalist, Steven Sotloff.  The same masked man with a British accent as in the video of the death of journalist James Foley, says in the most recent video “I’m back, Obama, and I’m back because of your arrogant foreign policy towards the Islamic State, because of your insistence on continuing your bombings and in Amerli, Zumar and the Mosul Dam, despite our serious warnings…”  This masked man is then seen threatening David Haines, a British citizen.[1]

GOP Candidate for U.S. Senate, Cam Cavasso said: “I am sure the people of Hawaii are with me when I offer our condolences to Steven Sotloff’s mother and family for the tragic loss of Steven.  ISIS is a cancer on the World and needs to be eradicated.  ISIS is going after soft targets when they focus on journalists.  Going after soft and innocent targets shows cowardice and attention seeking by ISIS.”

Cavasso added: “The U.S. needs to show strength and decimate this group as soon as possible, otherwise this group will look for other low hanging fruit and target more innocent people.  It is time to take off the gloves, the U.S. must act now to eradicate this group. President Obama needs to strike this group in their safe haven of Syria, or the cancer will fester and grow.  In the meantime the U.S. threat level should be raised.”




  1. the guy had a british accent! maybe he is British! maybe he was born,raised,educated in Great Britain!! Is he Muslim? We don't know!! but he has a British accent. maybe he might be an Anglo-Saxon underneath that filthy mask.Maybe he is a British citizen! Maybe we should invade England!

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