Island Gossip Girl – Danger in the Pacific, An Almost Naked Dictator, Don’t Touch My Junk, Hanabusa Send off and More

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Danger in the Pacific: Bad Memories for Hawaii

“Was the recent North Korea attack on South Korea another Kim Jong Il attempt to play mind games with Americans during an important American holiday?

This time it’s Thanksgiving, the last time, last year shortly before the Fourth of July. North Koreans launched short range missiles off their east coast raising fears of a North Korean long range missile attack on Hawaii. Was the recent attack a combination of mind games related to the rumors Kim Jong Il is about to name as his successor his son ‘Comrade Youth Captain’ Kim Jong Un? Or, a far more deadly scenario, the news which stunned ‘experts’ and the world, North Korea has a covert uranium enrichment facility? News which was reported ‘hours’ before North Korea lobbed ’100 shells’ at S. Korea’s Yeonpyeong Island.” –

Is North Korea's Kim Jong Il a Half-Naked Boozer or is this a look alike?

Hawaii – Hideout for the Politically Powerful

The SF Chronicle reports their former Mayor, now California’s lieutenant governor elect Gavin Newsom is spending the Thanksgiving holiday with his family in Hawaii.

Obama’s Hawaii rental home and vacation profiled in the LA Times. He will be back in Kailua, Oahu, this Christmas with his family.

Farewell to Senator Colleen Hanabusa

Hawaii senators held a send off party for Senate President Colleen Hanabusa today at the Hawaii State Capitol. She is preparing to leave Hawaii for Congress. Sen. Sam Slom, dressed in a Japanese bright pink Happi coat made for him by Hanabusa’s mother, gave the official roast.

Sam Slom in Japanese Happi coat sings to Hanabusa look-a-like Donalyn Dela Cruz

Slom, a Republican, has battled Hanabusa, a Democrat, for 6 years on conservative talk radio KHVH 830 AM with Rick Hamada on a variety of issues they are both passionate about including tax hikes, business regulations and preserving Hawaii’s environment.

Inouye-GOP Leaders: Mano-a-mano on Pork

Hawaii’s Senior Senator Daniel Inouye – the self-declared “Earmark King” and Senate Appropriations chair – won’t back down on his effort to get more pork for Hawaii and elsewhere. The  president pro tempore even challenged the President.

“I’m certain the people of Hawaii did not elect me to be a rubber stamp to any executive,” Democratic Senator Daniel Inouye said after the party caucus met recently. “I think I know a few more things about Hawaii’s problems than even the president.” Noting that earmarks represent less than 1% of the federal budget, Inouye added, “You can wipe out all of it and you won’t balance the budget.”  Meanwhile, GOP leaders in the House are waging a campaign to halt all earmarks.

Former Honolulu Prosecutor, Turned Mayor Peter Carlisle Plays Governor Linda Lingle, Sings to Attorney General Mark Bennett

Former Honolulu Prosecutor, Turned Mayor Peter Carlisle Plays Governor Linda Lingle, Sings to Attorney General Mark Bennett

Ok we took this photo a while ago but have not dragged it out since Peter Carlisle left the Honolulu prosecutor’s office and became Honolulu mayor.

This was taken at a fundraiser where Carlisle dressed in drag (and seemed like he really enjoyed it) to play Linda Lingle.

Can this guy really fix our potholes and sewers and keep our property taxes low?

Stay tuned.

Now on to Dancing with the Stars – and more Palin drama. ….

Death Threats Over Dance Contest – Really?

BS Bottom - McCain Palins AlaskaGOOD NEWS: Ratings for Sarah Palin’s Alaska, spiked to 5 million viewers for the first show, a rating record for the TLC network.
BAD NEWS: The former Governor’s show tanked after just one episode, with a 40 percent decline.
GOOD NEWS: Sarah’s daughter Bristol Palin is a finalist in Dancing with the Stars.
BAD NEWS: Bristol and her dancing partner, Mark Ballas, received death threats in the lead up to Tuesday night’s finale, TMZ reports. ABC beefed up security in Los Angeles.
GOOD NEWS: Sarah Palin’s new book just debuted and already is a big seller. She begins her nationwide tour today.

Hawaii’s Funny Guy Update

Award Winning Columnist Charley Memminger writes a fun piece in Hawaii Reporter on the debt commission – see it here:

Seven Simple Ways to Reduce the National Debt (Without Convening A Government Commission)

Here is one:

1. Sell off a few states. Do we really need TWO Virginias, Carolinas and Dakotas? In a bad economy, having extra states seems extravagant. I say sell North Dakota to Canada, West Virginia to Greenland to South Carolina to Cuba.  Or just put them up on eBay and sell them to highest bidder. Throw in Puerto Rico or Guam as bonus products.

Check out Memminger’s web site for more information on his books and columns.

Don’t Touch My Junk: Holiday Travelers, Don’t Miss This Hawaii Reporter Top 10 Ways to Survive TSA’s Patdown

Number 10 –  Go rogue aka, free range, or al dente.

Number 2 – Avoid saying, “Could you check under the hood?”

For the full list: Top 10 Ways to Get Through the TSA Experience this Holiday Season

