It is the Tea Party’s Fault – All of It

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This image made from video broadcast on Sunday, Oct. 7, 2001 shows Osama bin Laden at an undisclosed location.
BY WILLIAM E. MOSSMAN – Wherever he is, Osama Bin Laden must be smiling.
America’s own political extremists (the Republican Tea Party, Grover Norquist and the super high rollers that they serve) have achieved what he couldn’t do —  i.e. stir up enough political divisiveness within the USA to portray its government to the World as being dysfunctional in handling its national debt/deficit issues, and thereby cause America’s international credit rating to be lowered.
Using  the international credit rating of the USA as a bargaining chip to protect the vast tax benefits of their super wealthy supporters makes it very clear that they are willing to cripple their country to achieve their political goals.
The primary goal of these Republican extremists is to cause America to fail while Pres. Obama is in office, to enhance the election of a Republican president in 2012.
Osama would be proud of what these American political extremists are doing to their own country.
William E. Mossman is a resident of Kailua, Hawaii




  1. I read through Mossman’s nonsense thinking that it was intended as satire. When will these unhinged liberal nut jobs stop with the very sort of hateful rhetoric that Obama the Destroyer has repeatedly condemned (while continuing to use it against those with whom he disagrees)?

  2. “The primary goal of these Republican extremists is to cause America to fail while Pres. Obama is in office”

    As if Berry needed any help


  3. The Teat Party, love ’em or hate ’em, have started a debate that should have begun decades ago. Keep it coming.

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