Jimmy Pflueger – Great Businessman, Employer, Builder

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Fred Hemmings

BY FRED HEMMINGS – When I was a young boy growing up on the beach of Waikiki, our beloved Duke Kahanamoku coached and steered a championship outrigger paddling team.

Duke affectionately referred to his young paddlers as his “boys.”  One of the “bulls” on the team was my friend Jimmy Pflueger.

Jimmy is a native son of Hawaii who learned  from his Kapuna care of the land.

Jimmy lives through true friendship.

No matter who you are or what your station in life, Jimmy is a friend you can count on.  Jimmy’s handshake is a better bond than any contract a fancy lawyer could write.

In Jimmy’s life he has been a great businessman, a great builder of modern Hawaii and has created many jobs for Hawaii’s residents.

Freddie Trotter’s recent full page letter in the Star-Advertiser reminded me how lucky I am to call Jimmy Pflueger my friend.

Fred Hemmings is a former Hawaii state Senator and world champion surfer.




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