Judge to Rule Thursday on Lakin’s Request for Deposition of Hawaiian Officials and Written Discovery of all President Obama’s School and College Records

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Washington, D.C., Retired Air Force Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney has supplied an affidavit in support of Army Lieutenant Colonel Terrence Lakin, who faces trial on October 13-15.

The retired Air Force three-star is the highest ranking officer yet to lend public support to LTC Lakin.  His affidavit acknowledges widespread concerns over the President’s Constitutional eligibility and demands the President release his birth records or the court authorize discovery.

McInerney’s sworn affidavit was filed in Court-Martial in support of Lakin’s motions for subpoenas for all of the president’s school records, and for a deposition of the custodian of Obama’s birth records in the possession of the State of Hawaii.

The Judge has set a hearing in the Court Martial on these motions for this coming Thursday, September 2nd at 11:00 at Ft. Meade, Maryland. All court proceedings are open to the public. The courthouse is located within Ft. Meade at 4432 Llewellyn Avenue, which is on the corner of Llewellyn and Ernie Pyle Road. At the first intersection after the Reece Road gate, you should turn left on to Ernie Pyle Road. The courthouse is approximately 1 mile south of the intersection of Reece Road and Ernie Pyle Road.

LTC Lakin is a physician, and is in his 18th year of service in the Army. He is Board Certified in Family Medicine and Occupational and Environmental Medicine. He has been recognized for his outstanding service as a flight surgeon for year-long tours in Honduras, Bosnia and Afghanistan. He was also awarded the Bronze Star for his service in Afghanistan and recognized in 2005 as one of the Army Medical Department’s outstanding flight surgeons. In March of this year, he announced in a video posted on YouTube that he would refuse to obey orders until receiving proof of the President’s eligibility. So far, more than 225,000 people have viewed that video.

McInerney’s affidavit can be viewed at www.safeguardourconstitution.com. The following are extracts:

  • The President of the United States, as the Commander in Chief, is the source of all military authority.  The Constitution requires the President to be a natural born citizen in order to be eligible to hold office.  If he is ineligible under the Constitution to serve in that office that creates a break in the chain of command of such magnitude that its significance can scarcely be imagined.
  • As a practical example from my background I recall commanding forces that were equipped with nuclear weapons.  In my command capacity I was responsible that personnel with access to these weapons had an unwavering and absolute confidence in the unified chain of command, because such confidence was absolutely essential– vital– in the event the use of those weapons was authorized.  I cannot overstate how imperative it is to train such personnel to have confidence in the unified chain of command.  Today, because of the widespread and legitimate concerns that the President is constitutionally ineligible to hold office, I fear what would happen should such a crisis occur today.
  • In refusing to obey orders because of his doubts as to their legality, LTC Lakin has acted exactly as proper training dictates.  That training mandates that he determine in his own conscience that an order is legal before obeying it…Indeed, he has publicly stated that he “invites” his own court martial, and were I the Convening Authority, I would have acceded to his wishes in that regard.  But thus stepping up the bar, LTC Lakin is demonstrating the courage of his convictions and his bravery.  That said, it is equally essential that he be allowed access to the evidence that will prove whether he made the correct decision.
  • For the foregoing reasons, it is my opinion that LTC Lakin’s request for discovery relating to the President’s birth records in Hawaii is absolutely essential to determining not merely his guilt or innocence but to reassuring all military personnel once and for all for this President whether his service as Commander in Chief is Constitutionally proper.  He is the one single person in the Chain of Command that the Constitution demands proof of natural born citizenship.  This determination is fundamental to our Republic, where civilian control over the military is the rule.  According to our Constitution, the Commander in Chief must now, in the face of serious– and widely held– concerns that he is ineligible, either voluntarily establish his eligibility by authorizing release of his birth records or this court must authorize their discovery.  The invasion of his privacy in these records is utterly trivial compared to the issues at stake here.  Our military MUST have confidence their Commander in Chief lawfully holds this office and absent which confidence grievous consequences may ensue.

Lakin is represented by military counsel, and by Paul Rolf Jensen, a civilian attorney from California who has been provided to him by the American Patriot Foundation, a non-profit group incorporated in 2003 to foster appreciation and respect for the U.S. Constitution, which has established a fund for Lakin’s legal defense.

Further details are available on the Foundation’s website, www.safeguardourconstitution.com.

Submitted by Margaret Hemenway, who is with the American Patriot Foundation, Inc.

