Kailua vs. Facebook – Please add our city!

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KAILUA, OAHU – It seems the Facebook has left Kailua out…again.

Kailua residents are annoyed because Kailua is not listed as a city on Facebook and they have various petitions circulating.

“This is very frustrating.  We have to list Lanikai as our hometown and Lanikai as our city on business pages.  It is hurting businesses,” said Laurie Rodrigues.  “It seems ridiculous with all the media attention we get as home of ‘The Winter White House’ that Facebook still does not acknowledge we exist.”

The problem started when Facebook had Kailua, Oahu, and Kailua-Kona, on Hawaii Island, confused as one location.

After two years, Lanikai, which is on the edge of Kailua, was added but still not Kailua, Oahu, and Kailua businesses were still showing up as being in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii County.

Last year, Facebook made changes to the system again, this time they moved Kailua businesses under Lanikai which remains the only option for Kailua residents to use now.

There is a Wikipedia page, and a “Kailua, Honolulu County” page.  But the database is still not correct

The e-commerce committee for the Kailua Chamber of Commerce has been continually submitting information and filling out forms, but to date, the problem has still not been fixed.







  1. Hundreds of us have been trying to make it clear to Facebook for years that we want our hometown listed. We want it listed simply as it has always been known as Kailua, Hawaii. We have done everything we can think of to draw it to their attention, and can't imagine why they are not listening to us. The President of the United States can find Kailua. Years and years ago the Beatles could find Kailua. All the big tour buses have found Kailua. Why is Facebook so geographically challenged? If you want to know more about how some of us feel, check out https://www.facebook.com/Kailua96734?fref=ts . Kailua no ka oi!

  2. Curt's right!! We have been trying to be acknowledged for years. At the last Kailua Town Party, I mentioned it to the Kailua Chamber of Commerce and to Michael W. Perry (the MC). I explained our plight to anyone who would listen. I even sent an e-mail to KGMB suggesting a 'human interest' story about how Facebook won't recognize 'Kailua, HI'. We've sent them maps, mentioned our zip code – 96734, (USPS says Kailua, HI), commented on Kailua, HI being where the President and his family come for vacation!!! And still, Facebook WILL NOT acknowledge us!!!
    What do we have to do?? How can we make FB acknowledge us as a legitimate "hometown"????

  3. let the NSA know about this.they will get in touch with Facebook(their client) and the problem will be resolved.

  4. I wonder if the answer is between Curt McClain's fb site & KHON2's report of Kailua residents turn to Facebook after recent rash of burglaries
    "….The rash of burglaries in the community prompted his wife to start a Facebook page called Hono Kailua, meaning to fix or repair Kailua, because they feel something needs to be done….."
    More at' https://www.khon2.com/2013/06/18/kailua-residents-

    Only other reason is B.O. 's vacation town can't be on fb due to security reasons…..just a thought.

  5. People keep starting their own facebook pages instead of working with one together and getting the numbers up. We started the first page with the Chamber and offered for people to help us manage it rather than create new ones. It saturates the message. We should have one page with high numbers and lots of activity. A united group would be more effective. Just my 2 cents.

  6. Oh, tht's a pretty big mistake from Facebook! Even though it's only one city, I still think the department that took care of this should be made responsable

  7. Sometimes if you contact the "owner of the website" they don't pay any mind. I have a friend who had an arrest a long time ago and this third party site requests $400 to unpublish the arrest photo and information from the internet because its "public information." Once he paid the $400 it popped up on the website's affiliate site and they asked for more money. This has been a huge issue for getting a job and has hurt his name.

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