Kaimuki is the Honolulu Neighborhood With Most Affairs; Makiki and Kailua Close Behind

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Ashley madisonHONOLULU – Residents of Honolulu have been engaging in extra-marital affairs in record numbers according to new data from AshleyMadison.com.

The dating site designed for people already in relationships has decided to reveal Paradise’s least faithful neighborhoods based on the more than 56,000 cheaters who live in the metro area. According to membership per capita, the most affair seekers live in Kaimuki, with Makiki, and Kailua rounding out the top three zip codes.

Below is the full list of Honolulu’s Least Faithful Neighborhoods:

  1. Kaimuki 9.3%
  2. Makiki 9%
  3. Kailua 8.6%
  4. Moanalua 8.1%
  5. Downtown 7.9%
  6. Manoa 7.8%
  7. Palolo 7.4%
  8. Waialae – Kahala 6.9%
  9. Kuliouou – Kalani 6.6%
  10. Hawaii – Kai

Here’s some additional data the dating site dug up in their research of the ‘808’:

  • 41% of philanderers in Honolulu are female (average age 36)
  • Adulterers in Makiki have the most children on average
  • Waialae-Kahala has the most men looking for mistresses

According to AshleyMadison.com founder and CEO, Noel Biderman, affluence is a common element found on most cities’ top ten lists. “The proclivity to cheat often goes hand in hand with opportunity. Those with discretionary income and freedom to travel are even more likely to stray.” AshleyMadison.com has more than 29 million members in 43 countries.





  1. First time i am reading this information.Totally unaware about this.Thanks a lot for sharing. 🙂

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