Kauai County to put $22 million in construction projects out to bid

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Kauai county logoLĪHU‘E –  Numerous projects – ranging from bridge repairs to park improvements to road reconstruction – will be put out to bid during the first quarter of the new fiscal year, according to Keith Suga, the county’s CIP program manager.

“The list totals roughly $22 million in county and federal highway construction dollars, and county funding is about 38% of our entire capital improvements budget for fiscal 2015,” Suga said, noting that the fiscal year began on July 1, 2014.  Among the capital improvement (CIP) projects to be put out to bid are: Puhi Road construction ($3 million), bleacher replacement at the Hanapēpē Stadium Grandstand ($824,000), ‘Aliomanu Road repairs ($2.9 million) and Kapahi Bridge repairs ($2 million).

“Our CIP program has made incredible strides in the past four years,” said Mayor Bernard P. Carvalho, Jr.  “Since creating the CIP Program Manager position, the coordination among purchasing and the various departments has improved tremendously.”  The mayor noted that in the past three years, the county has spent roughly $40 million in capital projects.

Based on how the procurement proceeds for each of the projects, they are likely to be underway before the end of December, according to Suga.  “Some will move more quickly than others,” said Suga.  “But our goal is to get them all under way within six months.”

Detail on the various projects can be found in the tables below:

Kauai county construction projects

